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All too often, it is easy to reflect only on the current situation, and not
reflect on where we have come from. Oh, how God has blessed His Church! In
Matthew 7:16, God says, "You shall know them by their fruits." But let the
skeptic beware, for God is doing a mighty work. With over 30,000 newsstand
outlets worldwide and 12,000 brethren involved in that program alone, the
Gospel of the Kingdom of God is being proclaimed as never before.
Opportunities abound--doors are opening everywhere. We need to continuous­
ly remind the brethren of James 5:16--that the fervent prayers of a righ­
teous man avail much. We must encourage the brethren to continue to pray
for Mr. Armstrong and the work of God's Church, so we can continue to sup­
port the unprecedented growth we are experiencing.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
"Non-TV" WATS Calls Increasing
As the work of God's Church continues to grow in size and scope, more and
more people are calling our WATS lines for a variety of reasons in addition
to requesting literature offered on "The WORLD TOMORROW" telecast. Thus
far in 1985 we have received 54,000 "non-TV" calls. This is 25 percent of
the total of 211,000 calls. Non-TV calls include the following:
• Address changes for The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature.
• PLAIN TRUTH renewals and orders for gift subscriptions.
• Requests for literature advertised in booklets, magazines, Correspon­
dence Course, etc.
• Requests for ministerial visits (250-300 per week).
• Information about local church services.
• Bible questions (25-30 per week).
• Inquiries about donations, literature complaints (i.e. not received,
damaged, etc.) •
Some calls
may involve emergency situations where a person needs or
desires immediate counseling. (These calls are referred to ministers
employed in MPC).
The growing use of our WATS lines reflects the increasing popularity of the
telephone as a means of communication in the United States. Calling is
faster and more convenient for most people. Many who call might never sit
down and write a letter. The phone also provides personal contact. This is
especially helpful when people have questions or immediate problems to
GOOD NEWS Readers Edified by March "Personal"
A higher than usual number of GOOD NEWS readers made a special point of
writing to Mr. Armstrong after reading the March "Personal" entitled "Let
God Fight Your Battles!" Several mentioned that the article opened their