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I wish to take this time to say thank you to Mr. Wright for the
sermon we heard via tape about the work.
Sometimes we think
small because of the small amount we are able to give. But God
certainly shows us that it is His work, just by the growth,
quality, and up-to-the-minute articles written each and every
month. I feel the sermon helped us to really understand how our
prayers and offerings are needed. Thank you for giving us the
facts in language we can all relate to.
J.H. (Monroeville, PA)
I wanted to thank you for the tape by Mr. Wright on the impact of
the Church.
It is remarkable how we don't realize how really
great this work is unless we are told. There is a tendency to see
it only on the local level. It is true, as you have said, the
success of the work is in proportion to how much we please God. I
am very happy to be a part of so great a work.
L.W. (Harrison, AR)
The sermon tape by Mr. Wright telling us of the tremendous growth
in the work was so exciting and encouraging. But it also taught
me a lesson.
I had just received my annual contribution
statement and my head was swollen because my tithes and offerings
had amounted to almost twice the first tithe figure of my yearly
income. But the few hundred dollars I gave was just a "drop in
the bucket" compared to a $120 million operating budget.
I am now simply very thankful that I am physically able to work
and support this commission and realize God wants our hearts in
the work. He will see that the income is added as needed, and I
do not have to be "impressed" with my own donations--just keep my
heart in the work. I will pray that all the brethren, donors, and
co-workers can continue to prosper so this·work can continue to
answer every request.
Mrs. N.W. (Concord, NH)
Mr. Ray Wright had us on the edge of our seats last Sabbath as we
listened to his tape about the growth of the work.
Mrs. S.G. (Mansfield, LA)
Please accept my small tithe to help you in doing God's work.
This past Sabbath we heard a sermon tape of Mr. Ray Wright on the
scope of the work. It really made me realize how important our
tithes and offerings are in getting the work done. Thank you for
the sermon tapes from Headquarters. They seem to come just when
I need to hear about a certain topic.
A.C. (Henderson, KY)
We appreciated so much hearing a tape by Mr. Ray Wright today on
God's work! One doesn't think of its gigantic scope or how very
important a part we each have in doing the most important work on
earth. Much thanks to God for you, Mr. Armstrong, and all the
ministry who are always there to instruct and encourage us!
s.w. (Duluth, MN)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center