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Interesting and Unusual Packages Sent to God's Church
Not only does God's Church receive tons of letters and cards each year, we
also receive some unusual and amusing packages. To enable you to see that
some of our work has amusing overtones, we're· listing a few of the items
we've received over the years. We are in no way trying to make light of
people's sincerity by presenting this list.
However, in most of the
following cases, these things were intended to be humorous:
• Manuscripts and cassette tapes from self-proclaimed prophets.
• Frozen food that was quite unfrozen when it reached us.
• A five-gallon can of popcorn in three different flavors.
• Garden seeds.
• A box of odds and ends, including an unopened
antique" bottle of
• A rock from an atomic bomb site in New Mexico.
• Water from the Jordan River.
• Gold teeth and fillings.
• Two sticks representing the nations of Israel and Judah (Ezek. 37·
18) •
Used razors, toothbrushes and a bar o_
f soap meticulously decorated
with sequins.
• A rubber snake.
• Nails intended for the "Building Fund."
• A box of bricks.
• Several old neckties, designated as his "first tie," "second tie,"
"third tie" and "tie of the tie."
The conclusion of the matter? Almost anything can come in the mail--and
Reminder About Holy Day Offering Envelopes
Holy Day offering envelopes have been sent to all members in the United
States. Most should have arrived by the time you read this. If any members
have not received theirs by Monday, March 25, please have them contact Mail
Processing by calling our toll-free number (1-800-423-4444) before Friday,
March 29. Replacement envelopes will be sent immediately by first class
mail to those needing them.
Bible Study Awakens Brethren to Scope of God's Work
A number of members have written in, commenting on the tape of Mr. Ray
Wright's recent Bible study in Pasadena. They were amazed and greatly
encouraged to more fully realize the present size, scope, and complexity of
God's end-time work. This information truly helped them to see the "big"
picture, and also reinforced the importance of their part in God's Church,
as the following letters show: