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Although the index number is a vital processing tool, we want to assure you
and our members that they are never considered "just a number" to God's
Church or the employees at Headquarters. The use of these numbers simply
helps us give better, more personal service by avoiding errors and handling
requests more efficiently.
Annual Receipts and Tax Information for U.S. Contributors
Annual receipts for all contributions made in 1984 were mailed in late Jan­
uary. If any members in your congregation have not received their receipts
and need one, please ask them to call our toll-free number (1-800-423-
4444). These receipts are sent as a courtesy to contributors and contain
the total amount they have donated to God's Church during the previous
year. (Contributions given at an international Feast site would not be in­
cluded on the receipt.)
Members should always verify the amounts on their receipts by checking
their personal records, especially when they claim their donations as a tax
deduction. It is advisable for members to save these records for at least
three years.
Members occasionally ask whether they can include the donations of their
children as a deduction on their personal tax form. According to U.S. tax
regulations, children's donations that have been recorded separately cannot
be included with the parents' contributions as a deduction on the parents'
tax form.
We hope this information will be of value should questions arise.
Severe Weather Affects Many Subscribers
The severe weather we've had across the U.S. this winter has impacted the
lives of many individuals writing in to God's Church. Some view the chang­
ing weather patterns as yet another sign that the end of this present age is
near. Following is·a sampling of the many comments we've received:
We are seeing changes in the weather as the Lord said we would see
them. The whole weather pattern has changed, not only here, but
in other parts of the world as well. I pray that it won't be long
before the Lord returns. Meanwhile His work is growing by leaps
and bounds. I am very excited about it and thankful for the lit­
tle part I have in it.
M.O. (Brooklyn, NY)
We have really had some cold weather. I will soon be 86 years
never seen it this cold here in Georgia before. I had
never seen it as hot as it was this past summer. Everything is
really changing. May God continue to bless you and His work.
Mrs. G.S. (Sparta, GA)
Well, 16 inches of snow came to Cleveland a week ago Tuesday.
Then we got another eight inches yesterday. So we are up to our
knees in snow--that is if your knees are high. Well, spring is
not far so I guess we have that to look forward to.
T.P. (Strongsville, OH)