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Mr. Russell Duke has been working with the newly formed Big Sandy "YAs"
{Young Ambassadors). They have performed for the Big Sandy Silver Ambassa­
dors, the older folks over fifty. {Don't laugh. Many of you now qualify
even if you don't realize you are "older folks.") We have also, in coopera­
tion with Ministerial Services, been able to perform for a couple of the
local congregations for special music and/or an evening of entertainment.
The response has been very enthusiastic. The Big Sandy and Pasadena YAs
will join to do some filming for the Feast film. I think you will really
enjoy the production.
I would like to remind you local Church pastors to encourage Ambassador
College applicants to send their completed applications in immediately.
Although the deadline for receiving applications is March 1st, both col­
leges will be accepting some late applications. Mr. McNair and I appreci­
ate your help and the evaluations you make. We have seen some excellent
applications. Thank you for your efforts and the instruction you are giv­
ing in your congregations.
--Leslie L. McCullough, Deputy Chancellor
The Importance of the Computer Index Number
From time to time, you may be asked about the purpose of the file index num­
ber which appears on the top line of labels for The PLAIN TRUTH and other
Church publications. For your information, we'd like to review just how
this number is used and why it is critical to our mail processing opera­
An index number is given to each person who is added to our files. Each in­
dividual is assigned his own unique number, and it will never be assigned to
anyone else. This number is used in the following ways:
• It allows our employees to immediately identify an individual when
handling transactions such as literature requests, Feast regi�tration,
address changes, etc.
• It prevents errors that might occur when two people have the same name
or address.
• It helps us to make sure that literature is sent to the person who re­
quested it.
• It enables us to quickly and accurately check a person's record when
he inquires about such matters as to why his literature may be late,
never arrived, etc.
• It ensures that all contributions are properly credited to the right
With the above in mind, we would appreciate very much your encouragement of
the members to always use prelabeled envelopes when writing to Headquar­
ters. Additional envelopes will be sent upon request. Also, it is helpful
to us for members to use their index number when calling on the WATS line
for literature, changes of address, etc.