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I have been involved with your teaching for a good while now, and
I find The PLAIN TRUTH very interesting and educational. As a
Baptist minister for the past 22 years, I am overjoyed at learn­
ing what I did not learn while I was in ministry school. I preach
the plain truth everywhere I go, and the people love to hear it.
G.W. (Elizabeth, NJ)
As a Methodist minister, I do not always agree with every detail
of your doctrine. However, I know you are doing God's work, and I
appreciate The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature you have sent me
free of charge. Enclosed is a donation. I wish I could send
more, as I know this barely covers postage.
L.M. (Opelika, AL)
While I do not endorse your entire scope of teachings, I certain­
ly want to thank you for your uncompromising truth .on such issues
as Christmas and the Sabbath. I am an ordained minister from a
mainline denomination that realizes the criticism one receives
from believers if the truth regarding the above issues is told.
I certainly admire the guts you display in these areas of popular
J.F. (Steger, IL)
I'm a retired Methodist preacher and want all the literature I
can get. Mr. Armstrong certainly is unique. I've used many ar­
ticles from The PLAIN TRUTH for sermons in the past.
W.B. (Little Rock, AR)
Mr. Armstrong, I was more than delighted to hear from you by let­
ter. Please send all the additional booklets you have been ad­
vertising on your TV show. I'm a young minister in the Lord and
you have enlightened me so much while watching your show on Sun­
day morning. May God bless you always.
D.F. (Los Angeles, CA)
When I first started to get your fine magazine The PLAIN TRUTH, I
had just become a born-again Christian (I was of the Jewish
faith). I wanted to learn all I could about the Lord Jesus Christ
and I read anything that I could get my hands on about Christ. I
then decided to become a minister and worked very hard at doing
just that. I also took your Bible study course and you will never
know how much it really helped me to understand the New Testa­
ment. I am now a minister, and I still enjoy your magazine, and
bring much of -what I read to the people I minister to.
I want to thank you for your booklet THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT
CHRISTMAS. I found that all that I thought as a Jew was true-­
Christ could not have been born in December, but I did not know
the whole story as you put it in your booklet. I was glad to
learn the whole truth. I was almost run off when I brought this
in front of the church--until I read them the booklet. By the
way, we hold our Sabbath services on Saturday, for I, as a Jew,
know that from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday is the Sab­
bath of the Word of God.
R.W. (Sapulpa, OK)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center