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We are presently enjoying the fellowship of the French-speaking ministers
from around the world during the current session of the Refreshing Program.
Nearly all of them are in Pasadena.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Articles No Longer on Current Literature Index
From time to time we receive requests from members or prospective members
for particular articles that the ministry has suggested they study. This
occasionally includes material that goes back many years.
The policy followed at Headquarters is to not send articles deleted from
our current literature index. Since we do not send such articles, our pro­
cedure is to substitute other articles covering the same basic information.
This has created a slight problem since the people do not always receive the
exact publication they asked for.
May we therefore request that before you recommend a particular item, that
you check to see if it is listed in our current literature index. This will
eliminate confusion and cut down on possible literature complaints. As al­
ways, thanks for your cooperation.
Yet Another WATS Record!
The telecast "What Are the Seven Laws of Success?" (which aired February 9-
10) resulted in yet another record weekend for WATS responses--17,229
calls. This surpassed the previous record by 1,237 calls. As more calls
come in the next few days, the total response to this one program should
reach 19,000 or more.
From 1982 through 1984, we averaged two record weekends per year. In con­
trast, the first six weeks of 1985 have already produced four record-break­
ing telecasts, as listed below:
Airing Date
January 5-6
January 12-13
February 2-3
February 9-10
WATS Weekend
So far this year, the average number of calls per weekend is 13,800. Only
two weekends in 1984 passed what is now the average for 1985!
Comments From Ministers of Other Churches
Among the thousands who respond to Mr. Armstrong's messages are ministers
from other churches. Many of them recognize that he speaks the truth, and
appreciate his uncompromising approach toward the Bible. Some even incor­
porate our Church literature into their sermons.
Those who do not com­
pletely agree nevertheless respect Mr. Armstrong for his courage and con­
viction. Following are some of the comments we have received: