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"Ascent to Greatness" Telecast Draws Enthusiastic Comments
This week's comments come from viewers calling in response to Mr. Arm­
strong's record-breaking telecast "Ascent to Greatness." The fact that the
United States and Britain are mentioned in Bible prophecy startles viewers
and stirs a great deal of interest. Many were eager to receive further in­
formation, as the following comments show:
I was really surprised to see how much detail Mr. Armstrong has
in his program. He combined history and prophecy in a way that I
never thought of before. He really sparked my interest.
B.N. (Malden, MA)
Mr. Armstrong knows how to put it all together by adding scrip­
ture to scripture and going back through the generations of man.
Tell him to keep up the good work. No one explains the Bible the
way he does.
L.C. (Dallas, TX)
Amid the confusion of all the other churches who think and hope
they have the truth but really don't know, Mr. Armstrong makes
sense. When I can understand more and have the proof in hand I
will show my family. Please send me your booklet.
R.B. (Colorado Springs, CO)
I thought I was a student of history--but Mr. Armstrong really
showed me something today. He got my attention and made me want
to read more.
L.H. (Beaumont, TX)
Mr. Armstrong is what the world needs now!
He ties in Bible
prophecy with current world events unlike any other minister. He
keeps us tuned in to what's happening now and this is what people
need and want. Other ministers don't have this.
P.L. (Tulsa, OK)
Mr. Armstrong's program was really something!
I have never
thought about where our nation came from. I took down all the
scriptures and I'm going to do some study with the Bible and your
book. I never thought we were mentioned in the Bible.
E.W. {Patterson, NJ)
Our preacher told us all to make sure to watch Mr. Armstrong. We
sure were impressed!
(Knoxville, TN)
I really enjoy listening to Mr. Armstrong. I received the book
Mr. Armstrong showed on the program today about 40 years ago.
I'm interested in it again and would like to study it closer. You
know, I stay home from church just to watch Mr. Armstrong. I
really feel he has the truth.
F.E. {Colorado Springs, CO)