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Thirty thousand direct mail packages have been sent to the Italian-speaking
region in southern Switzerland and the remaining 170,000 are going to major
population centers in Italy, including Rome, Milan and the east coast of
The lists, which we have obtained through BBDO, are "up-market"
(good quality) and consist chiefly of mail order buyers. To date we have
received an encouraging 3,642 responses.
Some very positive news concerning Television Monte Carlo, the station
which airs "The WORLD TOMORROW" telecast in English with Italian subtitles:
they have renewed our contract for 1985 and at the same rate as for 1984!
In addition, our time slot has been moved from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm, a much
better time. We are hoping that the new time will help increase response
In 1984, 43,407 new subscribers had been added to The PLAIN TRUTH list--a
33% increase over the previous year. Circulation is up 57% compared to
1983. The number of co-workers at the end of 1984 was 37, up from six in
1983. And we now have 203 donors, a 178% increase over the 73 in 1983.
Regular contributions from members, co-workers and donors in Italy (exclud­
ing Holy Day offerings) averaged an 88% increase for the year. 1984 was the
first year for the Feast of Tabernacles in Italy; income from the Holy Day
offering of the 600 who attended almost tripled our Italian bank reserves!
Bible Hymnal Being Revised
The Bible Hymnal is currently being revised. We hope that the
revised edition can be printed sometime within the next two
years. In order to avoid selling hymnals that will soon be ob­
solete, and to conserve the present inventory to handle the ongo­
ing needs of the Churches, we are discontinuing the sale of the
present edition to members. We are sorry for any inconvenience
this may cause. When the revised hymnals are available, we will
resume selling them to any member who desires to purchase one for
his personal use at home.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Growth of Publications Continues Worldwide
1984 was another record-breaking year for the Church's publications. All
magazines show vigorous growth patterns as we enter the new year. PLAIN
TRUTH subscriptions are up 17% worldwide with over 2.3 million new
subscribers having been added last year. This brings the total worldwide
circulation to over 7.5 million.