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ting of
replacement, examinations for prescriptions or fit­
eyeglasses or contact lenses;
or replacement of artificial limbs or orthopedic
Please note that coverage for airline travel is covered, while learning to
fly, parachuting, etc. are not covered. However, as a result of adding the
sport of parascending (or parasailing) to some of our SEP camp activities,
we have extended the insurance to include this "in the air" sport.
Should it be necessary to file a claim, please keep the following in mind:
• Notice of claim should be filed within 30 days after a covered loss be­
• All claim forms must be filled out completely and signed by the local
coordinator in the appropriate place, certifying that the injured per­
son is a YOU member or staff.
• Claims should be sent directly to the insurance company. Do not send
tqem to Pasadena. This will only delay processing.
• Claim forms are available from the YOU office in Pasadena or you may
photocopy the one in your YOU Pastor's Manual.
• Claims filed outside the United States should be paid for first with
local currency (unless it is a major loss, i.e. over $1,000}, then
file the claim and ask to be reimbursed. This helps to avoid confusion
about conversion of foreign currency.
• Once a claim has been filed, subsequent bills should be sent to the in­
surance company with a cover letter, restating the name of the injured
person and the date of the injury.
While we hope our YOU members and staff will never need this insurance
(please encourage safety}, we are grateful to be able to provide this cov­
erage to over 14,000 YOU members worldwide, all for a cost of $10 per year,
per person.
* * * * *
Please feel free to communicate with Mr. Anderson of the Insurance Depart­
ment should you have any additional questions about this insurance or how
it works.
--Kevin O. Dean, YOU
1984: A Year of Records
This past year was truly outstanding in terms of growth in the work of God's
Church. Never has the Gospel been published so extensively or televised so
widely as in 1984! Two 100-million-marks were attained for the first time:
• More than 100 million publications were sent worldwide, including mag­
azines, books, booklets, letters, lessons, etc.
• Mail income from the United States surpassed $100 million for the
first time. This does not include income from other sources.