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YOU Insurance Information
As a result of several misunderstandings regarding what the YOU insurance
does and does not cover, we are providing the following information from
Mr. Chris Anderson of the Insurance Department.
An accident insurance policy is maintained for all YOU members, coordina­
tors, chaperones and assistants. The coverage is paid for by the YOU mem­
bers and all YOU members and staff worldwide are covered. Following is a
brief description of the insurance provided:
• Accident Medical Expense
• Accidental Dismemberment
• Accidental Death
• Dental (maximum benefit)
• Deductible
$ 2,500
Please note that the coverage is for accidents only. This insurance does
not include any coverage for sickness nor is it intended to replace any ex­
isting major medical or catastrophic insurance presently in force. It is
only intended to provide financial aid (subject to the above limits) in the
unfortunate event that an accident occurs.
This insurance affords coverage only while participating in an approved and
supervised YOU activity, either on an international, national or local
basis. It includes accidents which occur while traveling directly to or
frorn such activities (although, if involved in an auto aceident, the auto
insurance should be treated as primary).
Following are those items which are excluded from coverage (quoted from the
This policy does not cover loss resulting from:
a) intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or attempted
suicide, whether sane or insane;
b) injury sustained while:
i) in or on;
ii) boarding or alighting from;
iii) being struck or run down by;
any aircraft in motion except as an airline passenger
on an aircraft:
i) operated by a passenger airline;
ii) on a regularly scheduled trip over its established
c) war or act of war, whether declared or not;
d) injury sustained while in the armed forces (land, water or
air) of any country or international authority;
e) repair or replacement of existing dentures, partial den­
tures, braces, fixed or removeable bridges, or other artifi-
cial dental restoration;