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Airing Date
September 11-12, 1983
October 23-24, 1983
December 8-9, 1984
December 15-16, 1984
Weekend Response
3,770 calls
3,480 calls
7,889 calls
7,427 calls
We received an exceptional number of favorable comments about both pro­
grams. Those who called were delighted by the uplifting entertainment pro­
vided by the Young Ambassadors. They were also impressed by the positive,
wholesome attitude and example of the students and the beauty of the Col­
lege campus.
Many also expressed particular interest in the Church's programs for youth.
Nearly 100 asked for information on how their children or grandchildren
could attend the Church's SEP camps. Additionally, 50 requested the Youth
Bible Lessons--which were mentioned in passing but not directly offered on
the program. Following are a few comments made to WATS operators:
I really enjoyed the program and was very impressed with the
young people and the College. I would like to visit the campus if
was so interested. I would also like to send the
magazine to my grandson.
C.B. (Hollywood, CA)
I'm very interested in the YOUTH magazine even though I'm 75. I
am a retired librarian for the local schools and miss the contact
with young people. I can get it through reading the YOUTH maga­
zine. Mr. Armstrong is a wonderful person, and I'm with him all
the way.
R.F. (Carlin,
The campus where the show was filmed is absolutely beautiful! My
children were absolutely fascinated with the show and thoroughly
enjoyed it!
C.W. (Baltimore, MD)
usually go to church on Sunday, but I saw the program today and
asked my mother if it might be possible for me to go to the camp
in Big Sandy, Texas. I would really like to go.
A.A. (Kansas City, MO)
I'm 15, and I think it's kind of neat to go to one of the camps
and learn a lot of things. You get to better yourself and learn
about God.
think my friend, Carmen, goes to the Worldwide
Church of God. She's a nice person.
A • W • ( 0
rrick, MO)
Mr. Armstrong is doing a wonderful thing. Please send me all you
can for my two children. I am a teacher with 15 years of experi­
ence and I love children. They are our future and these camps
help them to break the bad habits.
S .M. (Chelrnsford, MA)