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year while their bylaws did not permit them to fund, and next year
we will drop out. And then we'll go back in on a 50-50 basis. But
those results are constantly being published in areas where you might
not come across it, not being a scholar in this field. But the find­
ings also are on display at the museum in Damascus. It's very well
received. It's a very important dig in terms of biblical tradition.
It may be second only to what we've been doing at the Temple Mount.
QUESTION: Mr. Rader, will any of Mr. Armstrong's books be condensed
into booklet form?
RADER: Yes, I believe they will be. LThe rest of Mr. Rader's state­
ment concerning Mr. Armstrong's books and their distribution was gar­
bled on the tape recording and the typist was unable to properly tran­
scribe the comments�
QUESTION: What is the newsstand progress?
RADER: Doing very, very well. We have one of the most effective
tools there in the entirety of the Work. Much of it has been as a
result of a tremendous amount of knowledge and leverage that we've
picked up as a consequence of being publishers of QUEST magazine.
We can get rid of every issue, and there are demands for more. But
we've not freed up the budget as yet to get out more, but we're get­
ting rid of a million PLAIN TRUTHs every month, with a demand far
outreaching the supply.
QUESTION: Are we still Lon newsstand� in Europe?
RADER: Europe I'm not on top of. We don't have as much going out
there at all. I'm talking about the U.S. at the present moment.
The system of distribution is much different in the United States.
It's a much bigger area, there are many, many, many more magazines.
The competition is fierce, but we've had tremendous success. We just
have a very, very fine group of people that are very, very much dedi­
cated to doing the work in that area. And they just have been totally
imaginative as well as energetic and thorough. If we could give them
the budget for another million copies, we could get another million
copies out. And we're going to be pushing toward that. Naturally,
if we go into this PT television program, then that will immediately
make the demand even that much greater. Any other questions?
QUESTION: Will there be any film coverage of Mr. Armstrong and Mr.
RADER: We will have four of our people on their way to Israel almost
any day. They're from our television crew under Mr. Dick Quincer's
supervision. They'll cover everything in 16mm with sound, I hope,
and there'll be camera and film where lighting conditions will be
adequate. We hope to have full coverage and be able to use it, not
only as part of our TV show, but to send out to the church as well.
QUESTION: £!'his question had something to do with the possible reason
Mr. Rader has high blood pressure. The question was not picked up
by the recording equipment, but we have included the answer anyway.J