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television set. But if we can bring the PLAIN TRUTH to them in a very
provocative, interesting, enlightening and entertaining fashion for
60 minutes or 30 minutes, depending on the format that we find most
effective, we can really integrate our entire television and media
effort, and really push the work forward to a higher plateau.
we'll be covering that during the ministerial conference. we hope
that our pilot will be ready then. And if it's good and everyone at
the conference which is taking place in January likes it, and then
Mr. Amrstrong likes it, then we'll share it, in maybe the pilot form,
with the Church members in the area as we move forward. It would be
something, if it works, for the 1979 and 1980 television season. And
we'd be talking about programming time somewhere around October. Does
that answer it fully?
QUESTION: What are some of the things you are planning to accomplish
on your trip to the Middle East? And also, will Mr. Armstrong be plan­
ning a trip in the near future?
RADER: Yes. I'm going there just a little bit ahead of Mr. Armstrong
to be sure that all of the arrangements are in order. As we've said
elsewhere, this will commemorate ten years of very close association
with various institutions and people in Israel. And it inaugurates
the beginning of a new ten-year program.
Our newest archaeological project there is the project that is going
to uncover the City of David. And we are working in a tripartite ar­
rangement this time. Hebrew University, a South African foundation
and the Church will share in the costs of the next decade, and the
methodology, again, will be supplied by Hebrew University at Jerusalem
and the Israel Exploration Society. They also want to honor Mr. Armstrong
for his contributions of the past and anticipation of the future.
And then Mr. Armstrong will meet with Mr. Begin at a very timely oppor­
tunity. Hopefully, the peace treaty will have just been signed. Mr.
Armstrong will see Begin almost immediately after Begin's return from
Oslo. He goes to Oslo on the 10th of December to get the Nobel Peace
Prize. And we're supposed to see Begin on the 17th, so he'll be back
only a few days.
QUESTION: Is the Big Sandy campus finally sold?
RADER: we hope so. We have just notified the offerer and have deposit­
ed a half million dollars in the bank, and we trust that the check
will be good. And we trust that they will manage to close the contract
up on or before December 31, as promised. So we're now in what we
call the executory phase of the contract, that is, everything is in
the works, promises have been exchanged. We promise to deliver: they
promise to pay. Now, if you look in the law books you'll find some­
times it doesn't work out so smoothly. But we have reason to believe
we are dealing with the people who want the property and the price
is one that we consider fair. And if everything works out well, by
January 1 the property will have changed hands. Just as of this morn­
ing we deposited the funds. Your question is very timely.