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QUESTION: There was an article in the .LPasaden� Star-News that Mr.
Armstrong might have to appear in court for the Bagley case and I
wondered if there has been a change on that, or if we are going to
appeal that to a higher court?
RADER: Well, this is another area where, let's say, there's evidence
that the Church tries to do the right thing by everyone. Mr. Armstrong
and I feel we don't want to testify in such a trial because what we
would say would only further make apparent to the entirety of the world
all of the reasons why Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong has been forced out
of the Church. So we're going to fight the matter as vigorously as
we can, not to hold Mr. Ted Armstrong up to the world for what he is
and what he has been. And we are still, in essence, doing what we
can to mitigate the situation in what I consider to be just Christian
charity. We are actually spending Church energy, Church funds to keep
ourselves from going into court and telling everyone what the defense
(in that case) wants us to say, which is the full story about Garner
Ted Armstrong, which we don't feel needs to be aired any further.
Mr. Helge and I are working on the case and will continue to work on
the case. And I would say that we'll probably prevail in the long
QUESTION: I understand that there are certain plans to do a pilot
for T.v. that will incorporate the PLAIN TRUTH. Is that true?
RADER: That was mentioned in services a couple of weeks ago when I
spoke here in Pasadena. Also there are some excerpts from that in
the Pastor's Report. The excerpts are for the benefit of the minis­
ters. What we are intending to do, hopefully, is to have another
television show--as it's commonly called, a· program--in addition to
Mr. Armstrong's weekly television programs that will bring the PLAIN
TRUTH to television, just as PEOPLE magazine is bringing their magazine
to television. "Twenty-twenty" is, I think, an ABC program. "Sixty
Minutes" is really a magazine of the air, too.
We've had this idea for some considerable period of time. In fact,
when QUEST was first started, several syndicators of renown and one
of the networks wanted to know if we would be willing to engage in
such an effort with QUEST, to take QUEST immediately to the television
medium. we decided against that because we felt that if the television
program didn't work for one reason or another, it would have a dele­
terious effect of almost an instant character on the magazine. They
would both wipe one another out very quickly.
But the PLAIN TRUTH is a very powerful vehicle. It's the best reli­
gious magazine in the world, and can be made even better as time goes
on. It has no competition. There's no other magazine published in
the religious field quite like it. And with all of our efforts in
the print medium, it's a natural to try to bring it to television be­
cause there simply are people who do not read as much as they watch
television. You have to use your resources as I've characterized them
--spiritual, human, physical and financial--in such a way as to max­
imize their use, bringing them together in such a way as to try to
do as much as possible with them. You must use each medium in a par­
ticular way to reach that audience that you might otherwise not reach.
We're kidding ourselves if we think that, with the PLAIN TRUTH, we're
reaching all of those millions of people who are glued every day to the