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Incidentally, as a result of seeing this year's film, our own 15-
year-old daughter has set a goal to attend Ambassador College in
1988 (after working a year to save part of the tuition). As a
family, we are committed to helping her achieve this goal.
V.G. (Spanaway, WA)
Thank you so very much for such an uplifting Feast! Before the
Feast, our son was indifferent about keeping God's Holy Days.
Now after the film "The Hearts of the Children," his attitude is
so different. You have made God's Kingdom come alive for him. He
has always been blessed with a good understanding, but now he
says he really understands�
Mr. & Mrs. C.A. (Deer Park, NY)
Dear Forever Young Ambassador: I just wanted to take a moment of
your time to thank you and the Young Ambassadors for the superb
Festival 1984 film. The efforts expended by both you and them
certainly were admirable. It was a first-quality show you can
indeed be pleased with! May God continue to richly bless you and
the Young Ambassadors.
B.G. (Houston, TX)
I would like to express my deep appreciation for the two festival
films. I had the opportunity to participate in the Feast shows
in the mid-seventies as an Ambassador College student and know
somewhat the.time and effort, and of all the things that "slide"
during that time, such as sleep and studies. I want to thank the
students, the performers and all the behind-the-scenes personnel
who make a production like this musical Feast filrn a great
success. It was beautiful and makes us all look forward to the
As for the film on youth•••it ran the gamut of happiness and re­
joicing for the things God
s Church is providing for its youth
today, to tears and grief for the poverty and suffering experi­
enced by so many today, and the awful tribulation that is to
come. But then comes the World Tomorrow! It was a very powerful
movie.... My congratulations to you all on a job excellently
Mr. & Mrs. R.M. (Hinckley, OH)
I've seen your films at the Feast. I thought they were great. I
can understand things better when you explain them. Mr. Arm­
strong, I think you look much younger in a baseball cap. I think
you can play the piano very well. By the way, we went to Johnson
City. I am sorry about your eyesight. I wish it could get bet­
ter. You are the only person I ever knew that I could understand.
R.R.--age 11 (Combs, KY)
We wish to thank everyone involved for the wonderful films made
for our enjoyment and education. The movie made by the students
was better than anything produced in the big studios. It will
surely be wonderful in the World Tomorrow when all entertainment
is wholesome and beautiful like this was.