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Important Notice About Receipts
Because this year's Feast occurred in mid-October, there will be a combined
September-October contribution receipt that will be mailed shortly. Fall
Holy Day offerings will not be included on this receipt, but will appear on
November's, which will be sent out in December.
"Cross-training" Helps MPC to Cope With Workload
The Mail Processing Center now handles an average of 15,000 phone calls,
90,000 letters and cards, and 140,000 computer entries every week. Since
the actual workload can vary greatly among departments within MPC, employee
cross-training is used to enable us to do our work more efficiently.
For example, many terminal operators have been trained to answer WATS calls
and are scheduled to work on Sundays. Since most callers respond within the
first ten minutes after the telecast has aired, operators can use the rest
of the time for regular terminal work.
With international areas experiencing rapid growth, operators who previous­
ly worked only with U.S. names and addresses have been trained to enter
those from other nations. Thus, they are able to meet needs in either area.
This year, for the first time, new student employees were trained to per­
form all three jobs--answer WATS calls, and do terminal entries for the
U.S. and International Mail Center's files.
Cross-training has given us added flexibility to effectively meet the chal­
lenges of the growing work of God's Church.
Best Feast Films Ever!
Members have written to express overwhelming appreciation for the two films
shown at the Feast this year. Many commented that "Behind the Work--1984"
powerfully underscored the need for God's Kingdom. They appreciated the
detailed and firsthand look at the Summer Educational Program.
The Young Ambassadors film was thoroughly enjoyed as well. Members were
particularly impressed with Mr. Armstrong's home and said it gave them a
deeper insight into the character and personality of God's Apostle. Fol­
lowing are a few comments from the many letters received:
Thank you and the Ambassador College students for the best Feast
gift ever--the 1984 Young Ambassadors Film!
I never stopped
smiling the whole time--even as I dabbed at tears of joy as I
thought of the opportunity we would have in the future to share
this kind of life-style with the whole world!
I see so clearly now why God inspired Paul to write in Philip­
pians 4:8 that we should think on things that are lovely, pure
and true. It is so good for us!
I had the opportunity to sit
next to a young couple who had graduated from Ambassador College
about 10 years ago. They shared with me that having dinner with
you was the most memorable moment of their lives. What an excel­
lent way to impress on these young people the importance of their
noble calling!