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affixed a brass plate with the inscription "In Commemoration of the Feast
of Tabernacles 1984."
On the physical side, our brethren were able to enjoy superb hotels, fine
Italian cuisine, beautiful weather and several highly educational side
trips to places of interest such as Rome, Pompei, Capri and Monte Casino.
The day after the Last Great Day was special for God's Church in Italy. On
that Friday, a resident of Catania in Sicily was baptized into the Body of
Christ. Mr. Catherwood performed the ceremony in the Italian language, the
first such ceremony in modern times to be performed in Italian in Italy.
(Previous baptisms had been performed by visiting English-speaking minis­
ters using an interpreter.)
There are now 13 members of God's Church who are permanent residents of
Italy. In addition there are four other members in Italy on a temporary
basis: one from the United States, one from Zambia, another from Guyana and
another from Tanzania.
Through La PURA VERITA', now beginning its third year of existence, and Mr.
Armstrong's telecast, God is gradually calling people in Italy. By Feast
time, about 40 had requested visits or contact with the Church. As a result
a counseling tour was organized. Nine persons scattered from Rome to Milan
were visited between October 20th and 25th. Virtually all of the visits
were very positive and represent good growth potential for the Church.
(Not to be Announced)
Mr. Helmut Eden is disfellowshipped. He is approxi­
mately 60 years old, a Caucasian and is from the Jack­
sonville, Florida Church area.
Should he appear in
your area, it is imperative that you immediately con­
tact Mr. Allen Bullock for more detailed information.
Church rules regarding disfellowshipped members should
be stringently enforced in his case.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
CHARLESTON, WV--STEVE BOTHA: From all reports, the Feast of Tab­
ernacles was certainly a very special time for God's people.
There have been some very positive comments about the messages
this year at the different Feast sites. The "Behind the Work"
film was a highlight.
The membership really appreciates Mr.
Armstrong's keen interest in the youth of God's Church.
TULSA, OK--DONALD MASON: Have heard many positive comments about
how uplifting this Feast was no matter where it was kept. The