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happy about this opportunity to nearly double that contact by resuming
these Sabbath visits.
This is one way to help us all grow in unity, all
speaking the same thing, working together to back up God's apostle, Mr.
Herbert Armstrong, and reflect to the brethren his teaching and example.
Just this past Sabbath, I had the opportunity and privilege of visiting the
Tampa, Florida congregation, pastored by Mr. Ron Lohr.
I thoroughly en­
joyed the warm reception from the brethren there and the chance to spend
some time with Mr. Lohr. I'm looking forward to making other visits in the
corning year as time permits.
We hope to continue sending guest speakers from Headquarters to each of the
international areas for the Feast of Tabernacles, as well.
These visits
not only help to unify our brethren around the world through contact with
Headquarters, but they also broaden the experience and perspective of the
Headquarters ministers.
Please remember to pray for Mr. Armstrong on his current trip, and for the
rest of us here in Pasadena. We are anxiously looking forward to his safe
return and the exciting news he'll bring about the doors God continues to
open to him to preach the Gospel around the world.
International News
From the Italian Department The month of September, in addition to the
usual pre-Feast preparation rush, proved to be a good, stable month mail­
wise. We received over 1,400 new subscription requests as a result of the
"Are-you-reading-a-friend's-PT" blow-in card. In addition, Mr. Armstrong's
broadcast on Television Monte Carlo (English with Italian subtitles) gener­
ated 362 responses. Nine hundred fifty-five pieces of literature left our
mail room along with 844 letters (mostly form letters for mail returns) for
an outgoing mail total of 1,799.
October saw a dip in advertisement responses, but television held its own,
topping the 300 mark once again.
Outgoing literature totalled 2,266
pieces. By the end of October, PLAIN TRUTH circulation had risen to 56,819.
The 1984 Feast of Tabernacles in Fiuggi, Italy was a resounding success!
Over 600 feast-goers from around the world enjoyed an inspiring combination
of sound spiritual messages and some of the finest physical accommodations
and surroundings Italy has to offer.
An important aspect of the worldwide bond of festival unity was provided by
the well-done festival films. As always, Mr. Armstrong's opening night ad­
dress set the tone for a spiritually fruitful Feast.
"The Hearts of the
Children" pointed the way to proper family relationships and Mr. Arm­
strong's Last Great Day sermon rounded out the program of spiritual in­
In addition, we were granted unusual favor in the eyes of local authorities
and the Italian Tourist Board, who have already requested that we return
next year.
Representatives of the local town council also held a brief
ceremony at the close of one of the services in which the vice-mayor of
Fiuggi (a town of about 10,000) officially expressed pleasure at having us
come to their community and presented Regional Director Carn Catherwood
with a miniature brass sculpture mounted on a wooden base. To the base was