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The message of the film "Behind the Work" was definitely brought
home in China. The Chinese love their children very much--it was
evident everywhere we went.
We were very impressed with the children of members in our group.
They were real "ambassadors" and made many friends among the
Chinese. It was very exciting to see the fruits of Malachi 4:6 in
Mr. & Mrs. W.H. (Sierra Madre, CA)
Thank you for the privilege of attending the Feast of Tabernacles
1984 in China. It was truly inspiring! Mr. Halford is a very
personable and capable minister. Through his direction we con­
tinually had our values tuned and focused.
This was my first international Feast. The wonder of a land as
vast as China was almost more than I could fathom. A week after
returning home I am still digesting the experience!
The sermons were positive, stressing God's Kingdom and our part
individually in preparing now to be part of God's Family so we
can help others for all eternity. We will not rule according to
man's standards or western philosophy. Rather, we will help all
mankind to see and desire the good fruits of God's society. As
North Americans, we have much to learn from the so-called "have
not" nations.
E.S. (Williamsville, MO)
We were privileged to be able to observe the Feast in China. It
was an experience of a lifetime and I really believe the group
gave emphasis to the work that you, other ministers and the stu­
dents have done there.
B.T. (Waco, TX)
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed China! It was the most
outstanding, inspiring thing I ever had a part in. I was in group
one, so I had the chance to stand on top of the stairway inside of
the hotel and watch the other buses come in, with the band play­
ing, people cheering and the members dragging in with bags, so
weary from the trip. It made me think--maybe that is how we will
look to Christ when we come, weary at the end of our journey, to
begin a wonderful life of peace and happiness. God grant that
day soon!
I thank you so very much for making a trip like this possible.
All the things we saw and learned we couid never get from books.
Hope you like the set of vases [a gift to Mr. Armstrong from the
China feastgoers]. They are beautiful, but they can't possibly
tell you how much we enjoyed the trip.
F.S. (Troy, IL)
I'm glad I got to visit a country so different from my own.
Everywhere you look in the cities, there are big crowds of people
walking and riding bicycles. The only automobiles were taxis and
government cars. The people were dressed plainly but neatly in
jackets and pants. They seemed happy and friendly and many of