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tention we received from these wonderful and warm people was
enough, but the learning experiences and the completely new un­
derstanding brought to us by our own dedicated and loving minis­
ters were just mind-boggling. I'm afraid it will take some time
to get my feet on the ground.
Mr. Halford and Mr. Fish are to be highly commended for their
diligence and hard work: also Dr. Hoeh for his ability in giving
such a volume of history in such compact form. We found Dr. Liu
to be most dedicated to our welfare and such a warm, sincere and
compassionate man.
I believe Mr. Armstrong has crossed a very wide bridge in cement­
ing relationships with this wonderful country and people, and I
hope very sincerely that we had a small part in what he is doing.
I pray that our lights did shine. I will never forget having had
the opportunity of this first Feast in China. Thank you very
V.N. (Underwood, WA)
A very special thank you to you [Mr. Armstrong ], Dr. Richard Liu
and the Festival Office for the Feast in China. It was the most
spiritually rewarding, educational and impressive Feast I have
ever had! It is difficult to explain how much we have all gained
from this unique experience. The Chinese people, their culture,
history and art skills, as well as their friendliness and hospi­
tality, have left a deep impression not soon forgotten. Thank
you again for making it all possible.
J.S. (Oceanside, NY)
Now that I have had a week to recover from jet lag, I want to
thank you for authorizing the Feast in Nanjing, China and for al­
lowing us to attend. My wife and I feel that the Feast and tour
were perhaps the most educational 18 days of our lives. It was
extremely interesting for us to observe firsthand the way the
Chinese employ many Godly principles in their day-to-day lives
that we in the United States apparently have forgotten.
We knew that we would discover how much the people of China need
the Kingdom of God ruling over them and this indeed was the case.
However, we became more aware of how much we in the decadent na­
tion of Manasseh need God's government even more than the people
of China. Praying for God's world-ruling government will be eas­
ier from now on.
Mr. & Mrs. F.H. (Cincinnati, OH)
Thank you so much for approving Nanjing, China as a Feast site!
It was a fabulous trip! It was quite an education as well as an
experience and adventure! The entire trip was well organized--it
was obvious that a lot of planning and preparation went into it.
We thoroughly enjoyed it and would go again.
The Chinese are a friendly, hospitable, giving and serving peo­
ple, They tried to do everything they could to make our trip more
enjoyable. We can certainly learn from them!