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We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to you, Mr.
Armstrong, and all those who were involved in making this Feast
the best ever. We are already looking forward to another great
Feast in 1985.
Mr. & Mrs. M.P. (High Point, NC)
It seems each year the Feast is more wonderful and this year cer­
tainly was no exception. People seemed so friendly, the scenery
was a splendor to behold, and the weather could not have been
more beautiful. Everything seemed to go so smoothly, thanks to
the planning and cooperation of everyone.
This truly was the
best and most wonderful Feast I have ever enjoyed. I thank you
and pray for your health and safety always.
T.A. (Moscow, PA}
I just returned from a fantastic Feast in Hawaii, and must � ay
I've never felt so spiritually full! Every single message, in­
cluding the offertories, was so enlightening that I felt like I
was a new babe in Christ, trying to gobble it all up. Every ser­
mon gave new aspects--after 19 years, you would think I'd have
heard it all. The whole congregation was musically responsive
also. Fifteen hundred sounded like 15,000 happy voices, praising
our great and loving Father.
Thank you for your messages, for
the "Behind the Work" film, and for sharing yourself with us in
"The Young Ambassadors" film.
S.W. (Duluth, MN)
I wanted to thank you for the very basic, trunk of the tree mes­
sages that you gave us this year at the Feast. Your opening mes­
sage without notes was very inspiring. Knowing that you did not
have notes to rely on to keep track of what you were planning to
say next, made it very obvious that God was inspiring you to say
what we needed to hear the most.
N.W. (Goleta, CA)
I have just returned home from the Feast in Norfolk, Virginia.
This is my first year as a co-worker and my first Feast. I was
extremely blessed because my brother and his family took me with
them as one of theirs. I have just been recently separated. My
husband is filing for a divorce, so you know how much it meant to
me to be included in their family. I left Pennsylvania with a
handful of brethren and returned with thousands in my heart.
A.R. (PA)
I would like to thank you and God for one of the best Feasts of
Tabernacles I have ever had. I have attended God's Church since
I was eight. Because my father does not attend, I was unable to
attend the Feast till I had graduated from high school and could
work and save my tithe. I never knew how much I missed until that
Feast. I am now married and have three children, who each year
look forward greatly to God's Feast days.
This year's Feast seemed to be an extra special blessing. I have
not felt so much love and unity at one place ever. I truly felt
like it was a large family gathering. Your two messages on film