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Tremendous Growth Since Last Year's Feast
The year between the 1983 and 1984 Feasts of Tabernacles brought encourag­
ing growth
accomplishment for God's Church. Here are just
a few
covering the United States during this period:
• 70.7 million publications were distributed, including 25 million PT
subscription issues, 22 million newsstand copies and 5 million book­
• Incoming mail soared to 4.7 million pieces. This is equivalent to
what God's Church of this era received in its first 28 years.
• WATS calls received totaled 723,338--the highest number ever.
• New Bible correspondence course enrollments reached 224,443.
• More than 87,000 PT subscribers became "donors" by making one or two
contributions during the year. Another 23,873 became "co-workers" by
giving two or more donations within a six-month period.
We expect new all-time records in most categories by the end of 1984.
Winter Semiannual Letter Being Sent to Four Million People
The second semiannual letter of 1984 is now being mailed to over 2.3 million
U.S. subscribers and to 1.7 million international subscribers. Postal Cen­
ter employees will be putting in 60 hours a week for two to three weeks to
complete this gigantic mailing.
The semiannual letter has long been the number one source of new co­
workers. For example, this summer's semiannual accounted for more than
half of all new co-workers added to the file so far this year. It is most
impertant, therefore, that we follow the admonition of Mr. Armstrong to
pray fervently for an excellent response.
He wrote in the October member/co-worker letter:
I am sending out a semi­
annual letter to all PLAIN TRUTH subscribers. PLEASE PRAY FERVENTLY and
continually that God will PROSPER
our brethren
and also
that he will put it into the minds and hearts of many of the millions who
will receive this general letter to BECOME CO-WORKERS with you and me and
Christ our Savior. The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are too few.
What a Feast!
As expected, this year's Feast was truly the "best Feast ever" as evidenced
by a number of letters we have received. Members returned home rejuvenat­
ed, fired up and deeply inspired as never before. Some of the major high­
lights included Mr. Armstrong's powerful messages, moving sermons by the
other ministers and outstanding films. Following are some of the comments
received to date:
We have just attended our 21st Feast and it was the greatest
Feast ever! God just keeps blessing His people year after year.
It seemed that everyone went to the Feast with positive attitudes
this year. We saw only happy faces, few complaints and very lit­
tle sickness.