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Telephone Response Prepares for the Feast
Once again, the Telephone Response section is preparing to staff our WATS
lines in both Pasadena and Big Sandy to handle calls during the Feast of Ta­
bernacles. More than 300 Church members from around the world will be serv­
ing as volunteers in Pasadena. Students and some volunteers will man the
lines in Big Sandy.
We expect to receive 30,000 or more calls between October 6 and 27. Weekend
responses are expected to be quite good since we will be airing prophetic
programs about the book of Revelation.
We're happy to announce that tours of the WATS operations will be available
at both sites. Those coming to Pasadena or Big Sandy are welcome to see
this exciting facet of God's Church firsthand.
Record Number of Literature Requests Continue
As has been true for the past several months, God's Church continues to re­
ceive an unprecedented number of literature requests. Several new records
were recently set. For example, one million new people have subscribed to
The PLAIN TRUTH so far this year and 170,000 new students have enrolled in
the Bible correspondence course.
Both totals are all-time records for
eight months.
According to our projections, these trends will probably
continue for the rest of the year.
Some Backlog of Mail Anticipated After the Feast
Those of us here in Mail Processing are currently working at fever pitch to
get caught up before the Feast break. We hope to leave with mail inventory
at zero level. A limited staff will be staying behind to keep up with any
urgent mail and phone calls. Those who remain will be able to attend ser­
vices or have them "piped in" from the Auditorium.
Nevertheless, we still expect a backlog of a few hundred thousand pieces of
mail by the time the Feast is over. For this reason, there may be some de­
lays in fulfilling literature requests. We will make every effort to pro­
cess visit requests immediately upon returning. Thanks for your patience.
Members' Examples a Light to Others
Prospective members and others who have come in contact with God's people
often mention how inspiring it is to be with them. In this world, where the
"get" way is so prevalent, the example of joy, peace and friendliness set by
our members truly stands out as indicated by the following selection of
letters we've received:
I am 17 years old and have been subscribing to The PLAIN TRUTH for
about a year now. In all of my 17 years I don't believe I have
ever met a nicer, more cordial group of people than the members
of the Worldwide Church of God.
Although I do not attend that
church, I know some people who do.
For a long time now I have been thinking about the heartfelt hap­
piness radiated by these people. And now, I just can't contain