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"Good News" for The
Recently, Mr. Armstrong sent a letter offering The GOOD NEWS to 747,000
PLAIN TRUTH subscribers. So far, over 25% have responded and will be re­
ceiving the October/November issue for their first copy. This response has
nearly doubled the size of The GOOD NEWS list in the United States and has
resulted in over $41,000 in donations.
Dozens of people also included letters in the return envelopes stating they
are anxious to receive The GOOD NEWS and feel they will enjoy it as much as
The PLAIN TRUTH. Many said they look forward to the stronger Biblical con­
tent in their desire to understand more of God's Word. A few have even re­
quested a ministerial visit, which Mr. Armstrong alluded to in his letter.
Following is a sampling of the comments we have received:
I am writing to let you know that I received your most welcome
letter today telling me that you also publish a magazine called
The GOOD NEWS. I most certainly would love to have you send it,
as I am very interested in a magazine that is Biblically
oriented, especially in these last days.
know that
would en­
joy reading it. I'm going to tell all my loved ones and friends
about your two fine magazines and see if they will want to have
you send these magazines to them.
J .R. (Detroit, MI)
Please send me The GOOD NEWS--! need it; and keep on sending The
PLAIN TRUTH. You have helped me very much in my Bible studies.
Of course, I check everything you say by the Bible. I've never
found you wrong yet, and I thank God for your wisdom.
B.K. (Knoxville, TN)
Thank you for your offer to give me a one-year subscription to
The GOOD NEWS. I heretofore did not know of its existence. The
enclosed check will help a little to defray your costs. Also,
per Mr. Armstrong's letter which offered The GOOD NEWS, I would
like to know the name of a minister representing the Worldwide
Church of God in my area.
B.B. (Chatsworth, GA)
I really enjoy reading The PLAIN TRUTH, only I wish there was
more of the Bible in the magazine. Maybe The GOOD NEWS is just
what I've been looking for. It sounds like it could be very in­
teresting. I sure would like to receive it.
L.D. (Round Lake, IL)
Thank you for offering us The GOOD NEWS magazine.
We have
learned a great deal through The PLAIN TRUTH and eagerly await
the arrival of The GOOD NEWS. We have listened to your broad­
casts for the past six years and sincerely wish to obtain more
information about the Worldwide Church of God. We would like for
one of your ministers to visit us at our home.
D.S. (Sesser, IL)
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services