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I am very pleased to own the new BIBLE STORY books. We read from
them every night. It's a great idea for children! Thank you.
W.W. (Cornelia, GA)
More All-time Records
Several more all-time records were set recently as God's Church continues
to experience tremendous growth this year:
• Mail received in the United States topped three million pieces on Au­
gust 17. This is the earliest date, by more than two months, to reach
this mark. Total mail anticipated for 1984 is 4.5 to 5 million pieces.
• Publications mailed out in the U.S. through July totaled 45 million,
including 8.8 million in June. The total figure includes 31.6 million
PLAIN TRUTH magazines, 3.1 million booklets and 4 million letters from
Mr. Armstrong. New records have been set in all these categories.
• More than 150,000 U.S. subscribers have enrolled in the Bible corre­
spondence course, the most ever in a seven-month period. By year's
end, we estimate that well over 200,000 new students will have en­
Telecast and Publications Promoted by Others
One of the ways people become introduced to God's Church is often through
personal contact with others. Our viewers and subscribers frequently share
their enthusiasm for the TV program and our literature with family, friends
and associates. Following are a few examples:
Words cannot be given to tell you how much The PLAIN TRUTH has en­
lightened our family••.. Our children who are now adult enjoy and
discuss the articles. We have learned to get our Bibles, look up
and discuss things. We don't always agree with each other or
with you, but we're reading.
Our 14-year-old son looks forward to the. youth magazine. He
takes it to Sunday school and shares it. You are making God's
Word more exciting and alive than all the years we've gone to
church. We're still going, but with a new awareness.
Mrs. J.B. (Stockton, IL)
My fellow workers talk a lot about Mr. Armstrong. They like him
and have found out, by referring to the Bible, that he always
speaks the truth.
R.Z. (Lawrence, MA)
I enjoy your program when I am able to see it. A little Christian
lady 99 years young in a nursing home where I work is always tell­
ing me about you and how she enjoys your program.
H.M. (Payson, IL)
I'm 15 years old and watch your program. I personally like your
method of preaching about the Kingdom of God and how you explain
the events that were prophesied and are soon coming. My friends