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The annual cost of being educated at Ambassador College is still just a lit­
tle over $4,000. Yet the average cost of an education at the typical pri­
vate college in the United States now runs over $9,000 � year! So the Am­
bassador education is a "fantastic bargain." We have deliberately kept
tuition, room and board costs at Ambassador down so we do not price the
Ambassador College education beyond the reach of the young people in God's
I wish to take this opportunity to again thank you ministers for the fine
prospective student evaluations you give the College. They are extremely
valuable in helping us determine who should attend Ambassador. Please keep
up your thorough evaluations of prospective students in your area.
By the time you ministers receive this PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, we will
have held the Freshman Reception and the Orientation Forum. Mr. Armstrong
is scheduled to address all the students at the Orientation Forum on Friday
the 24th. He will have met the new students at the Freshman Reception the
previous evening.
It looks like we will have another very good year at Ambassador. It appears
we have a very fine group of freshmen, including the married couples, and we
look for�ard to getting to know these students much better.
I ask your continued prayers that we faculty members may be given the wis­
dom, understanding, zeal and strength to faithfully serve these students as
we impart to them the precious truths taught at God's College.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Excellent Response to The BIBLE STORY Offer
Over 17,000 co-workers requested volumes I and II of The BIBLE STORY, which
Mr. Armstrong offered in his June co-worker letter. This was one of the
highest responses from co-workers in the past eight years.
Many are now writing to tell us how much they are enjoying The BIBLE STORY.
They especially appreciate its easy-to-understand style and attractive il­
lustrations. Several heartily agreed that the books are not just for chil­
dren. Following are some general comments about The BIBLE STORY:
I just want you to know how much my 12-year-old granddaughter and
I are enjoying The BIBLE STORY. We read it every night and just
can't put it down! It is wonderful.
Thank you for The BIBLE STORY volumes.
and are truly beautiful! Most amazing
ings. I think the books would be big
H.I. (Red Level, AL)
They have just arrived
are the many fine draw­
sellers if they were in
P.G. (Trenton, NJ)
This past week I received The BIBLE STORY. Thank you from the
bottom of my heart. Although I am far from being a child, I have
longed for material from the Old Testament in a continuous and
simple form.
Mrs. D.M. (Wayne, PA)