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The call volume would have been even higher, but the telecast was preempted
by the British Open Golf Tournament and pre-Olympic specials on 11 TV sta­
The enthusiasm inspired by this program was reflected not only in the num­
ber of calls but also in callers' comments and their eagerness to receive
the offered literature, THE UNITED STATES & BRITAIN IN PROPHECY. Following
are a few examples:
I've called in before, but this time the program was exceptional!
To truly find our roots and to be able to find them in the Bible
will be so interesting! Mr. Armstrong is exceptional! I can't
reach me so I can go through it with my Bible! Thank you and
thank God for the work He is doing!
S.B. (New Windsor, MO)
I admire Mr. Armstrong because he is most sensible. I sat there
glued to the TV until he was finished speaking. I heard some­
thing about this (United States and Britain being Israel) about
15 years ago, but he is the first person that bothered to teach on
the subject. I appreciate his explanation of our times.
L.K. (Decatur, GA)
It was very interesting. I didn't expect that on television--the
lost ten tribes. I've been studying a little about it, but I did
not expect to see it over the airwaves.
(New Jersey)
I've been watching Mr. Armstrong for a long time and realize that
what he says is right. He speaks with such conviction that he
convinces you!
Also, the way he talks is different.
preachers on TV say "I think" or "believe," but Mr. Armstrong
says "The Bible says." There are no ifs, ands or buts!
R.J. (Port Angeles, WA)
God's Church Helps the Handicapped
A certain number of our subscribers and listeners are chronically ill,
handicapped or disabled. Many are on fixed incomes as well. They derive
special help and comfort from Mr. Armstrong's programs and appreciate our
free literature. Following are some of their letters:
I hope you don't mind my ordering so much literature.
I am
totally disabled, confined to bed and wheelchair. Discovering
your educational material on Christ and the Kingdom of God has
been real therapy for me, especially since I used to be so
active. Thank you and may God bless you.
A.P. (Albuquerque, NM)
I have listened to the broadcast for over thirty years but had
not called because I was paralyzed. I only learned to speak two
years ago--this enabled me to call in. I really enjoy the pro­
gram and look forward to reading the booklets.
(Name not available)