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Results from our first direct mail test were finalised last month. We
tested four lists, each of which brought a most encouraging response. The
response rates to the lists were 2.2%, 2.9%, 3.8% and 5.5%. According to
our media agents, a response of 1.5% to 2.0% is considered the industry
standard for Australia. Further tests will be conducted during, the re­
mainder of this year to determine the most effective mailing lists and
Asia: Advertisements offering The PLAIN TRUTH placed in READER'S DIGEST in
four Asian countries during the first half of this year have brought re­
sponses from a substantial number of people. Results so far are as follows:
No. of ResEonses
% ResEonse
Hong Kong
South Korea
PLAIN TRUTH circulation in Asia now stands at 42,326--a 3.2% increase over
June, 1983. During the first half of 1984, GOOD NEWS circulation in Asia
increased by 46.7%, YOUTH 84 by 77.5%, the number of co-workers by 36.5%,
donors by 29.0%, and members by 6.8%.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
LAFAYETTE, IN--DAN FRICKE: To further back up the PGR article on
how growth in Church membership is influenced by members, this
month we've had two new people begin to attend as a result of mem­
ber contact or friendship. This shows that God's people are be­
coming more effective tools and lights in God's hand in reaching
out to those of this society with the good news of His way of
life. Everyone in God's Church can proclaim the Gospel in this
COLORADO SPRINGS, co--CLINT ZIMMERMAN: I baptized three people
this month, which has been the most in a long time. All three
have known of the Church for some time. One was a PM for about
three years, and another a second-generation Christian now 23
years old. The third came to church in Fontana as a little boy
years ago with his brothers, grew up, joined the army, and has
now separated from it.
It takes years for the seed to grow
sometimes, but it is rewarding when it finally happens.
DENVER, CO--JAMES REYER: The Church is doing very well. We are
growing! We are being contacted by very interested PMs and are
rece1v1ng many new letters.
The brethren here are really
involved in PT distribution and are excited when they see the
results of their work.
Mr. Armstrong's telecast about the
Sabbath had us all buzzing with excitement!
CUMBERLAND, MD--WILLIAM PACK: Since the brethren watch Mr. Arm­
strong on Saturday mornings, one of the main topics of fellowship