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For some time we had experienced resistance in placing "The WORLD TOMORROW"
on television stations throughout the country. However, this year a drama­
tic change took place. Several stations not carrying the telecast offered
us time.
As a result we accepted 25 additional stations and relays,
bringing the total number of outlets broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW" to
96. Ninety-five percent of the viewing audience throughout Australia can
watch the telecast, if they choose to do so. We are continuing to advertise
the programme in TV WEEK magazine.
The field ministry and members have been doing an excellent job in pro­
moting The PLAIN TRUTH through newsstand and library/waiting room pro­
Since January of this year our newsstand distribution has ex­
perienced substantial growth--rising from 70,000 copies to 110,000 copies
per month. With the introduction of PLAIN TRUTH countertop displays, many
new outlets have been added, especially in country areas. During the first
six months of 1984 the number of outlets increased from 196 to 380.
During this same period the library/waiting room programme has also been
growing rapidly. Over 5,600 additional libraries and waiting rooms have
been added to The PLAIN TRUTH mailing list, many of which have also accepted
YOUTH 84 magazine.
From the beginning of the year GOOD NEWS circulation has continued to climb
steadily. Currently 10,398 subscribers receive The GOOD NEWS--a 44.4% in­
crease over the first half of 1983.
We are particularly encouraged by the increase in the number of co-workers
supporting God's Church in Australia. By June 30th they numbered 2,684--a
46.7% increase over the same month last year. This increase
in co-workers
reflects a growing interest in the teachings of God's Church.
Australians are corning to realise that what Mr. Armstrong is saying on the
telecast and in the literature we publish really makes sense in a confused
world. During the first six months of 1984 the number of readers requesting
personal contact with the Church increased by 23.4%.
By the end of June this year baptized membership in Australia had risen to
3,177--a 3.1% increase over the first six months of 1983.
Three ordinations took place this Pentecost. Mr. Bill Winner, director of
Ministerial Services, raised Mr. Orest Solyma to the rank of preaching
elder. Mr. Mark Ellis, pastor of the Sydney South Church, ordained Mr.
Aubrey Pye a local church elder, while Mr. Alan Dean, pastor of the Churches
in Tasmania, ordained Mr. Barry Williams a local church elder.
We had a very encouraging increase of 25% in the offering for Pentecost.
Altogether, 5,179 people attended holy day services in Australia--a 2.6%
increase over last year.
During the first six months of 1984 mail received from Australia and Asian
countries totalled 148 ,891--an increase of 39.8%. Outgoing mail for the
first half of the year also rose significantly.
Just under 508,000
envelopes containing Mr. Armstrong's letters and Church literature were
rnailed--a 42.4% increase over the first six months of 1983.
Income for the month of June rose
18.8%, bringing our year-to-date in­
crease to 14.5%.