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Mr. Armstrong is really outstanding. I'm the kind of person who
thinks there's a "catch" to everything, but I haven
t caught his
catch yet! I think the thing that impressed me most was that he
t asking for money. All of the other religious programs to
me are boring. But Mr. Armstrong is really crying out, and if
what he is saying is really going to come to pass, which I think
it will, then it's going to be great!
A.F. (New Bedford, MA)
I am very happy you don't beg and cry for money all the time,
saying "God will provide." If God will provide then there is no
need to beg and cry! It appears to me that these other people are
of little faith. I also enjoy your programs, which I think get
down to the facts.
W.P. (Aurora, IL)
ve looked into a lot of churches and the number one thing they
ask for right off the bat is money. I saw one minister last Sun­
day asking people to send in all the money they could. I heard
Mr. Armstrong's program in Oregon--he said he's not asking for
money--! didn't understand that. Then it hit me. His is the real
Church. These other guys equate religion with money. I guess I
won't watch them anymore.
P.N. (Riverside, CA)
I saw your program for the first time this morning and I
am im­
pressed. I was awake all night and tried to go to sleep while you
were on, but no way! You keep the attention of those who have no
"00mph" left. You're terrific!
I am also impressed that you don't ask for a donation of any kind.
I have found with my friends that the biggest stumbling block to
watching Christian TV is that they are offended when ministers
whine and beg for money. Now I can tell them just to relax and
watch you! Praise God for a second Paul!
L.A. (Schaumburg, IL)
Mr. Armstrong impresses me because he doesn't beg and whine for
money. He's straightforward in his approach. I was so excited
that I called my sister in Massachusetts.
L.L. (Pompano Beach, FL)
My husband and I listened to your television broadcast tonight.
Let me tell you we were deeply impressed. You are the first mini­
ster of God's Word who doesn't expect money for his services in
God's work. We were really pleased to hear the sincere truth
about God that you told.
Mr. & Mrs. L.S. (Wagoner, OK)
I was so happy to see someone spreading the Word without de­
manding money. I am out of work right now and have only love,
prayers, praise and works to give. Other preachers have made me
feel bad because I don't have money to give them, but you made me
realize that Jesus would rather have my heart than my cash.
S.B. (Seal Rock, OR)