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The 1984 ENVOY
A limited number of the 1984 ENVOY will be made
available for purchase by any Worldwide Church of God
minister desiring a copy. This year's ENVOY, while not
the Work-oriented publication as in years past, is
still a very fine representation of life at Ambassador
College in Pasadena and Big Sandy. The 1984 ENVOY is
jam-packed with hundreds of exciting photographs docu­
menting student life, activities, sports, etc.
book, with the exception of 20 pages, will be in black
and white. The 1984 ENVOY is not being offered for
sale to Church members, so if you want one for your
personal use or for the local Church library, you will
have to order one in advance. We must have these ad­
vance orders in order to know how many copies to print.
Please send $25 (make your check payable to Ambassador
College) with your name and address no later than Au­
gust 1 to:
1984 ENVOY
Ambassador College
P.O. Box 385
Pasadena, CA 91102
I hope all of you had a joyful and inspiring Pentecost. My wife and I were
privileged to visit with the ministers and brethren in the Athens and
Gainesville Churches in Georgia during combined services on the Sabbath
just before Pentecost. A total of 270 were in attendance. The pastor, Mr.
Ron Wallen, arranged to have me briefly address the deacons, elders and
their wives in a special Sabbath brunch.
Then, on Pentecost, the two churches in Atlanta (east and west) met to­
gether. About 942 attended the Atlanta Pentecost services. Mr. Ken Martin
spoke in the morning, and I gave the sermon in the afternoon.
My wife and I met what seemed like several hundred of the brethren during
our trip. We were both refreshed and inspired by the services and the fel­
lowship. The pastors and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wallen and Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Martin, made us welcome, and made our visits to their areas very
enjoyable and profitable. Mr. Martin mentioned that he had baptized about
23 prospective members just before Passover. This shows that God is giving
good growth in the Atlanta area.
Also, while visiting these church areas, I got to speak to several prospec­
tive Ambassador College students. We ministers who are privileged to visit
various church areas of the U.S. during the feast periods really appreciate
such wonderful opportunities to fellowship with God's ministers and their
wives and with the brethren of God's Churches.
And we appreciate the
hospitality which you ministers and your wives always show toward usl
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor