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avail. He prayed to God in the darkness of his room. No one had
responded to his pushing the emergency button. Suddenly, he was
aware of a man standing over
The man did not turn on the
light, nor did he speak, but as soon as he was by the bedside of
our member the machine went on and began supplying oxygen. Once
the machine started working again the man disappeared. Our mem­
ber related this a few hours later to the hospital staff. They
hadn't heard his emergency button call and there hadn't been a
man on duty in the
that night, therefore the staff told
our member he just had a nightmare. The member knew better!
(Pasadena campus}
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Since my last "A.C. Update," the faculties of both Big Sandy and Pasadena
attended the fifth session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
Imperial Schools faculty and a few field ministers and their wives also at­
tended this session.
We found the Ministerial Refreshing Program truly both inspiring and re­
freshing! It is always uplifting to be brought up to date on the major as­
pects of the work of God's worldwide Church, as well as being inspired by
various doctrinal presentations.
Mr. Herbert
Armstrong spoke to those attending the Refreshing Program on
Friday, June 1. Mr. Armstrong recounted how, some years ago, Satan was in
the process of trying to destroy God's College. He said that after his
recovery from heart failure, God opened his eyes to see what was going on in
the Work. He mentioned that before God restored him
put the Church and
College back on track, "the Church was going backward. The Work was going
"Ambassador College was no longer God's College [in the mid-70s1 •... The
Church was going liberal•••• I had to start the College all over again,"
said Mr. Armstrong.
After admonishing the faculties of the College and I'mperial Schools, Mr.
Armstrong encouraged all of us to carry on faithfully in serving God. And,
finally, after mentioning that the new "G-III" plane will be delivered on
July 31, he reminded all of us that "physical things don't last!"
1984 ENVOY Available to Ministers
Just before Mr. Armstrong left on his recent trip, he approved of Ambassa­
dor College offering the new 1984 ENVOY to all of you ministers. We need to
know how many ministers wish to purchase a copy. The ENVOY will contain
nearly 300 pages, but will be mostly in black and white. Even so, we think
it will be a fantastic buy at only $25 per copy. Please carefully read the
accompanying announcement regarding the 1984 ENVOY, and don't forget to
send us a check for $25 by no later than August 1--if you wish to receive a
copy of the new ENVOY. (Remember, Mr. Armstrong has repeatedly stated that
second tithe can be used to purchase copies of the ENVOY.}