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not see any such assemblies of the Worldwide Church of God. Do
you have such groups and if so, where do they meet to worship·? I
also presume from much of your printed material that if there are
such groups they would meet on the Sabbath.
I guess I'm slow or something--I have been reading your litera­
ture and listening to your broadcasts for nearly 20 years now and
I finally feel that your interpretation of God's Word is pretty
L•M. (Boe1us, NE)
I'm a young man with a family who is looking for guidance toward
the true teaching of God's law. I'm also a soldier (in the army)
working with high tech equipment dealing with nuclear warfare. I
love my family and human life very much, but I feel very insecure
about my job.
Please help me. I'm reaching out and want to accept Christ. I
really need Christ in my life and also the life of my family. I
would love to be a part of your church and walk a straight life to
righteousness. Tell me how I can find your church and seek mem­
bership, but most of all counseling.
N.G. (Compton, CA)
Thanks for considering us co-workers with Christ. Your April
very interesting. It is unbelievable the way Satan is
trying to destroy your work and divide your strength between
legal battles and the real battle of Christ and the devil. I am
so glad at the end you say WE WIN.
Enclosed please find my small help, it is part of my tithe. I be­
long to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and when my son re­
quested your magazines, etc. I did not mind because you also keep
the Lord's Sabbath. Now it is I who am interested in knowing more
and more.
I tried to keep Passover as you said in your magazine The GOOD
NEWS. I did not feel good at church when they had a Christmas
tree by the altar during Christmas and this Easter I felt funny
going to brunch with the family•.••
Could one of your ministers visit us some time? I am glad you say
they do not care so much how rich you are and how the house looks,
and that they will accept coffee or tea--that sounds very
friendly and gives me confidence. God bless you all for the mag­
nificent way you carry out his work. Thanks in advance for your
attention to this letter.
M.M. (Los Angeles, CA)
I have become a regular reader of The PLAIN TRUTH. The more I
read the more I realize how little I know about the Bible. I
don't know what I would have done without your magazines. They
have explained a lot that I just couldn't seem to understand.
When I was "saved" and baptized in church a few years ago, I was
so happy and at peace, but it was short-lived. I met a bad person