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of new subscribers to The PLAIN TRUTH. The newsstand areas especially are
showing very strong signs of growth with responses to newsstands up 120%
over last year!
God is blessing the work of His Church as never before. We in Publishing
Services want to extend our sincere appreciation for the tremendous job
done in the field by the pastors, local coordinators, representatives and
members, and for all of your sacrifice and service in getting the Gospel
message out.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
Another All-time Record for New Names in One Month!
Please be patient with us if we seem redundant, but we want to keep you in­
formed of the marvelous continuing growth in the work of God's Church.
During May, 225,306 new names were added to our U.S. address files, which is
the highest number ever for one month. In only five months, the number of
new people asking for our booklets and publications (U.S. only) amounted to
833,586. At this rate, the one million mark should be reached by the end of
June or by early July.
2.5 Million Semiannual Letters Being Mailed to U.S. Subscribers
Our Postal Center is buried in the throes of mailing out the semiannual
letter to more than 2.5 million U.S. subscribers. (Worldwide, over four
million will receive it.) With our four modern letter-inserting machines,
about 200,000 letters are sent out each day. Because of the gigantic size
of this mailing, it will take approximately 14 employees working 12 hours a
day, six days a week for two weeks to complete it.
As always, the prayers of God's
good response to this letter.
cle for encouraging interested
work of God's Church.
people are needed to help bring about a very
The semiannual letter is an important vehi­
subscribers to show more involvement in the
Letters From People Requesting Local Church Information
The letters we receive often reflect the void, uncertainty and nagging
doubts about spiritual matters that many people face. Through our litera­
ture and media programs, their questions begin to be answered. As a result
they often wish to associate themselves with true Christians. A number ask
if there is a local church where they can fellowship and worship according
to Bible instructions. This week we are featuring comments from a few of
those individuals who have expressed strong interest in God's Church and
requested ministerial visits.
I would like to take a moment to thank you for the literature you
have sent to me in the past. I have never had anyone explain some
of the deep, dark questions which always come up in Sunday school
class and other discussions. For the first time the Old Testa­
ment seems to have some meaning to me.
I do have one question yet. The Bible says we should assemble
ourselves together with other people of like beliefs, yet I do