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good realisation that they are a part of a worldwide church even
though they are a small group in Queensland. Everyone was re­
sponsive to Mr. Armstrong's recent co-worker letter concerning
the court case.
Also, the brethren were very encouraged about
the results of the holy day offerings and the Days of Unleavened
Bread in general.
MORWELL, VIC--PETER WHITTING: The Church had a very fine feast
of Unleavened Bread--the attitude in the congregation is good.
We have spent a great deal of time directing people to their per­
sonal responsibility to God and conversion. The deliverance of
Mr. Armstrong and the Church in this recent court case decision
has been awe inspiring to all. Also, the growth in the Church en­
courages us all to try harder.
This has been the most edifying Un­
leavened Bread season the members here can recall, and they ap­
preciated having Messrs. Morton and Winner here for the season.
Offerings were up 30% and 43% for the holy days. Bible study at­
tendance reached 84%. PT newsstand circulation has risen by 40%
so far this year. Over 300 magazines were taken from one news­
stand in the first three days of operation.
The waiting room
programme is off to a great start--240 addresses already.
activity is showing a gradual increase. A schoolteacher has men­
tioned that a number of students in his class read and use the PT
for class projects.
This was the first time the Darwin
Church has had a minister with them for the entire week of
Unleavened Bread.
Members are encouraged from the Passover
season and the growth of the newsstand programme in Darwin. We
are hoping now for a campaign later in the year.
MOUNT GAMBIER, SA--KARL KARLOV: The Mt. Gambier congregation, as
others in the region, have become very wholeheartedly involved in
the newsstand and waiting room programmes, and the benefits are
very evident in a renewed enthusiasm amongst the congregation as
a whole. Even the PMs in all three of the region's congregations
are asking to be involved and are making helpful contributions.
NEWCASTLE, NSW--GARY HARVEY: We have installed two new PT news­
stands in the Newcastle railway station and big shopping mall, so
now we have a total of 30 in the whole church area. We will con­
tinue to expand. We experienced a record turnover of 4,000 plus
this month! I've calculated we have 55% of our families involved
in PT newsstands or the waiting room programme here. As a result
over 250 waiting rooms in the Newcastle Church area have been en­
rolled for PT subscriptions.
BALLARAT, VIC--KARL KARLOV: An additional new family of eight
people, including two keen teen-agers, has begun attending. This
means that in two months, sixteen new people have started at­
tending the Ballarat Church. Needless to say we are all very en­
couraged by the growth God is adding. If this keeps up we'll have
to start looking for a larger hall, as the present one is ap­
proaching capacity!