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center for East Africa. The facility is in a prime site in a very modern
building and is already partitioned, carpeted and fitted with office furni­
ture, and at a rent well within our budget.
Unfortunately, Kenya is presently suffering a very serious drought since
there has been no significant rainfall at all this season and, unless it
does rain heavily soon, the northern reaches of Kenya will undergo very
severe drought conditions leading to the onslaught of starvation. Our con­
gregation at Kibirichia will be sorely affected by these conditions, and
some degree of food aid will be essential if we are to avert the stark
reality of starvation striking at our own membership.
Nigeria: In the face of acute economic problems, food shortages and
joblessness, members are becoming more purposeful and cohesive.
phenomenon has been noted in all areas of Africa administered by the U.K.,
as deteriorating social conditions have brought about heightened interest
in spiritual matters.
The PLAIN TRUTH magazine is being extremely well received in Nigeria.
March showed an increase in subscription requests of over 300% over an
average month. A recent tour into Cross River State aroused many positive
comments from our readers who explained the beneficial effect that The
PLAIN TRUTH is having on their lives. During this tour, a Bible lecture was
presented to subscribers and 635 attended.
There has been an explosion of PM activity, partly because of small groups
who study and worship together using our publications to assist in their
Ghana: We have been experiencing some difficulties concerning our farm at
Kutunsi, near Accra. The head of the family, who negotiated the lease with
us, died recently leaving his estate to his family. There was some doubt
amongst the beneficiaries as to whether we had a right to farm the land at
Kutunsi. Our members are praying fervently that this land may continue to
be available for farming purposes.
In spite of the very serious financial problems that are extant in Ghana,
our members continue to show that their hearts are very much behind God's
Church, reminiscent of the attitude expressed in Philippians 4:15-18 where
the members did not cease to respond to the financial needs of the Church.
Over the Easter season, the Ghanaian TIMES almost completely devoted its
center pages to Dr. Hoeh's article entitled "The Crucifixion Was Not on
Friday," which appeared in the February and March 1984 GOOD NEWS. The
author must also have studied our booklets on the subject because he not
only quoted Dr. Hoeh extensively, but used other material from related
booklets. The article ended with the note "culled from The PLAIN TRUTH."
However, in spite of their publishing the fact that Easter is pagan, the
paper went ahead and stayed closed from Good Friday to Easter Monday!
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From Australia
BUNDABERG, QLD--MARK GULLY: I have received a warm reception
from the brethren since my arrival. It seems the members have a