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Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From Canada
WESTLOCK, AB--ROBERT J. MILLMAN: We have needed several miracles
to help us through the past month, and we received them! Several
members have found themselves in desperate financial circum­
stances, but God has provided jobs and other relief as needed.
It has been encouraging to see that they have continued in
fasting and prayer throughout their trials, and know full well
where the answers have come from.
I am being asked to visit with more and more neighbours and
friends of members who have requested that someone from "your
church" help them understand religion and the Bible.
strangers have shown up at church services wanting to "check out
the church behind the magazine," as they put it. The principal
of the school where we meet for' services has started to ask about
our beliefs and Mr. Armstrong's ministry.
a real sense of urgency of the times more than ever and are "high"
about the four recent baptisms. Our newsstand programs are pro­
ducing more subscriptions than ever before--actually 100% more
than last year, according to figures released from Pasadena.
Church attendance has leveled off at around 58 for the last lit­
tle while, but lots of the "old time" PMs, who just seemed to keep
coming down through the years without being baptized, are finally
making the plunge! I feel God will bless this commitment and de­
cision on their part by sending more NEW growth to the area soon.
There is more evident joy and unity in the Church now than ever
before. Brethren are solidly behind Mr. Armstrong and Headquar­
ters. Many are already commenting that they are looking forward
to hearing from Mr. Waterhouse in June.
PMs are developing
Thirty-two of them have asked for baptism. New
visit requests are coming in regularly. About half of them are
not ready to be invited to services. On the other hand, some are
almost ready to be baptized, having waited a long time. They did
not know that we have congregations in the area.
EVANSBURG, AB--TREVOR J. CHERRY: There has been a noticeable in­
crease in pressure on members on their jobs. They are needing to
put in more time and show themselves as the dedicated workers
they are. Thankfully, they are not experiencing layoffs as other
workers have at the same job. Many parents (as well as teens) ex­
press their support and appreciation for the Y.O.U. programs that
are available for the teens.
GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB--PIET MICHIELSEN: The brethren are very ex­
cited about Mr. Waterhouse's upcoming visit. Because of economic
reasons, many brethren are losing their jobs and looking else­
where for employment. Result: several families are moving out of
the area.