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The GOOD NEWS magazine is the best I've seen and it's my
spiritual meat. Most religious magazines are so low on food a
person would starve to death.
Mrs. R.M. (Hillsdale, WI)
I so enjoy your writings--each is a new adventure which is read
and reread.
M.B. (Clinton, IN)
Your magazine and booklets really help put the pieces of life's
puzzle into place.
J.A. (Shreveport, LA)
I swallow your Bible lessons at a gulp and make a meal of your
booklets and The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. I just can't get enough
of them.
V.H. (Coleman, OK)
I'm ready to start on my fourth lesson of Bible understanding. I
must tell you, it is the most enlightening journey through the
Bible I have ever taken.
B.N. (Friona, TX)
I have blown the dust off my Bible and my life has changed
drastically for the better.
D.O. (Yonkers, NY)
Christian living boils down to this: even with steadfast obedi­
ence and devotion, God won't smooth out the road, but He will put
springs on the wagon.
(Name not available)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
ENCOURAGING A DANGEROUS TREND Quite often lately we have presented opin­
ions of leading policy-framers who are encouraging the nations of Western
Europe to unite militarily as an alternative to maintaining the NATO al­
liance with the United States. Officially, of course, and backed up by firm
pronouncements by President Reagan, transatlantic ties remain firm. But
underneath, especially in influential academic and media circles, the
timbers of support for NATO are burning, almost undetected, much as in a
concealed coal-mine fire.
One of the major critics of NATO-as-is is
William Safire of the NEW YORK TIMES. In his column in the April 2 edition
of the TIMES, Mr. Safire openly calls for the French and the West Germans to
form "a new axis of power":
The old strategic thinking, to which most Europeans still cling,
is this: If the Russians invade Western Europe with conventional
arms, NATO plus France will at first resist conventionally: when
this fails, the defenders will use nuclear artillery. Then the
Russians would use their nuclear artillery, killing many American
forces there, which--and here's the big assumption--would cause
the U.S. to launch a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.
This scenario is not hooked� to reality. If Soviet tanks roll,
and conventional defenses quickly crumble, NATO would go to its