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The last owners of our home left a stack of PLAIN TRUTH magazines
in the basement. I've been going through them and have found
them very interesting. I'd like a subscription, please.
S.W. (Hackettstown, NJ)
About March of 1982, a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH fell from a maga­
zine stand outside of a business establishment that my husband
worked for. There was no wind at the time, so my husband was
perplexed but brought it home. Well, needless to say, I have
studied it and have come to understand the truth. It has opened
my eyes as Mr. Armstrong said. I thank God for His knowledge, as
I had prayed so long for the truth.
Mrs. M.C. (Cologne, MN)
I was on my way to work one blustery morning, when a copy of The
PLAIN TRUTH blew into me. I asked if anyone on the street had
lost the magazine: they said no.
I read it and became so re­
lieved. I am sure God wants me to really know him personally. He
works in mysterious ways.
Mrs. A.O. (Northampton, MA)
This letter is to let you know how grateful I am for all the won­
derful things you are doing for mankind. The first time I became
acquainted with you was over 26 years ago in the middle of the
Alaska bush country.
I was working on a bulldozer, making
repairs in the middle of winter. I remember that the temperature
exceeded 120 degrees below zero.
A small airplane had dropped me off at an uninhabited campsite
with my tools and parts to make the repairs. The plane had to
leave and carry back some parts requiring machining. I was alone
at night and in freezing cold.
I began to get scared.
The plane was overdue, and I was in a
dangerous situation. I began to dig trenches in the ice all
around the bulldozer. I poured diesel fuel in the trenches and
with the help of some gasoline, I was able to ignite it and create
a ring of fire around me.
At least I would remain warm for
awhile. I really began to wonder what I was doing out there, in
severe death-threatening weather, by myself. I was really de­
Hours passed, and still no airplane. My fire was burning out,
and the batteries in my portable work lamps were losing their
charge. I had a small portable radio that I carried in my tool­
box. I didn't even know if it worked anymore. Anyway, I took it
out and turned it on.
I began listening to a message about God and faith, and many
other wonderful things that I had never known.
My radio was
blasting out this message just like I had put new batteries in
it. I wasn't worried about the cold anymore, and began talking
to God like He was sitting on the bulldozer track keeping me
company. That radio message instilled a faith in me that has
never been shattered. The speaker mentioned a magazine called
The PLAIN TRUTH that I could receive just by writing in.