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same period last year. As you know, such increases are not only helpful to
the Church financially, but usually lead to increases in Church membership
as these people gain greater spiritual understanding.
The main sources of donations from these new co-workers were the November
1983 semiannual letter and envelopes in The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. While it
is encouraging to see this increase, co-worker growth is still lagging be­
hind the increases in PLAIN TRUTH circulation.
As Mr. Armstrong has
stressed many times, continued prayers are needed for more to join in
financial support of the work of God's Church.
Unusual First Contacts With God's Church
In the past few years, millions of people have come in contact with the work
of the Church for the first time. Occasionally, a person is introduced to
The PLAIN TRUTH or The "WORLD TOMORROW" program through unique circum­
stances. The following comments show that God does, at times, work in un­
usual ways.
I am a new subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH and I want to tell you
how very much I enjoy this magazine. I may never have known about
The PLAIN TRUTH if it were not for my oldest son getting into
trouble. While waiting for a juvenile court hearing, I read an
issue that was in the waiting room. I enjoyed it so much that I
brought it home and used the card inside to become a subscriber.
D.L. {Clovis, CA)
The mailman accidently delivered a GOOD NEWS to me. I would now
like to subscribe to the magazine. I'd also like a subscription
H.W. {Washington, DC)
I found The PLAIN TRUTH in a telephone booth while waiting for a
tow truck to come and help me. I sat in the car waiting and ended
up reading it from cover to cover--it was great.
The PLAIN TRUTH is a great magazine. I got
junk at a rummage sale. Thank God I found
thankful for it--the best magazine I've ever
C.M. {Brentwood, MO)
mine out of a box of
it first. I am so
read in my life.
N.E. {Brighton, MO)
I found Mr. Armstrong's letter in the street: it was very in­
teresting. May I subscribe to The PLAIN TRUTH?
S.D. {Panorama City, CA)
While I was in a public telephone booth, I found a ripped-off
cover of WHO IS THE BEAST? with a handwritten telephone number on
the back. I understood, by the title, that it had something to do
with the Bible. So I was curious and decided to call and ask
about it and to receive it.
J.H. (Oconomowoc, WI)