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to believe it, and with God's help to live it, knowing and con­
tinually proving it is God's expounded Word.
L.E. (Loveland, CO)
The 50th anniversary PLAIN TRUTH is just beautiful. The articles
and pictures are precious. If this Church did nothing else but
prepare The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and get it where it goes today,
it would still be a miracle. When I try to figure out all that
goes into it from the tree being cut for paper to the readers'
hands, it boggles my mind.
Mrs. J.H. (Mill Run, PA)
I just received your beautiful publication, The PLAIN TRUTH for
its 50th anniversary and would like to compliment those respon­
sible for designing the cover.
It is very elegant.
I also
enjoyed the color photos of Ambassador College and am very im­
pressed with the size and beautiful grounds. All the students
should be proud of being a part of it. Thank you for this lovely
(Morehead City, NC)
The February 1984 PLAIN TRUTH is the most uplifting, inspiring
magazine I have ever seen. The articles are most inspiring yet
sobering as they show the world we live in with precise detail,
and also the wonderful World Tomorrow. Thank you very much for
the work you are doing.
W.L. (Stratford, OK)
May Almighty God bless you and the entire staff of The PLAIN
TRUTH on the 50th anniversary of publication. I shall treasure
this masterpiece of art and composition of articles and photos.
D.M. (Woodside, NY)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
President Reagan's $180.4 billion budget
def1c1t for 1985, plus those he's projecting into the future, are worrying
economists and business leaders. The surging tide of federal red ink, with
little hope for improvement in the future, threatens to throttle the
country's economic recovery, as evidenced by the stock price nosedive on
Wall Street the past several days. Here's how the February 13 U.S. NEWS &
. WORLD REPORT looks at the problem.
The 100 billion dollars the President wants to shave from the
deficit over the next three years with Democratic help is merely
a . ripple in the sea of red ink that now is engulfing the na­
tion•••• The 180.4-billion-dollar deficit for 1985 assumes that
Congress enacts some 20 billion of reductions--no certainty.
Otherwise, concedes Budget Director David Stockman, the deficit
will top 200 billion a year in 1985 and beyond••••
The President's newest deficit projection would propel the gov­
ernment's 1.4-trillion-dollar debt--already 53.5 percent""tiigher
than 1t was when he took office three years ago--above the 2-