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Comments About the 50th Anniversary Issue of The PLAIN TRUTH
We have received hundreds of comments about the special 50th anniversary
issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. Readers were profoundly impressed with its beau­
tiful design and meaningful content. They offered their sincere thanks and
congratulations to Mr. Armstrong and the entire PLAIN TRUTH staff. Fol­
lowing are samples of the many letters received:
I have been reading The PLAIN TRUTH magazine for quite a few
years now, and hav� enjoyed it very much. I am Catholic but have
learned more about the Bible from the magazine than from all my
years of going to church.
I have just received your 50th anniversary PLAIN TRUTH, and it is
amazing how accurate you have been. I agree with you that the
world has taken God out of the picture. God has sadly become just
a word to so many people. We have changed His laws to fit our own
way of life. It makes me want to shout with joy when I realize
that Jesus will soon be coming to make this world into the kind of
world God wants it to be.
Keep publishing your magazine, because it is a light in this
darkened world.
L.W. (Milwaukee, WI)
On the occasion of the golden anniversary of your magazine, I
congratulate you and I express my admiration for your vigor and
vitality at 92 years of age. Although from a dogmatic point of
view we have basic differences, most of The PLAIN TRUTH's
articles are great contributions (of Christian influence) to
modern humanity.
Today, dark forces bring confusion and despair to the whole
world, but The PLAIN TRUTH brings to the world enlightenment and
hope--hope for a better mankind. May God bless you and your co­
workers and may He lead all of you to salvation.
P.F. (Danielson, CT)
Thank you again and again for the greatest issue ever printed
yet--the golden anniversary issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. I was a
little girl in 1934, but can well remember the events of those
years and my family discussing them. Most were frightening to
me� I couldn't understand.
Years later God called me and it was after the truth of His Word
was explained to me via The PLAIN TRUTH, the broadcast, litera­
ture, the Church, the feasts, etc. that I came to understand
where we are going, how the world is held captive, the only real
value of human life, who God is, what man is, and much more. I
could write a book of all the great things God has done for me
through the years.
I thank you, the Church, and all the employees for my being so
privileged as to hold the beautiful golden anniversary issue of
The PLAIN TRUTH in my hands--and what's more, to understand it,