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wound of Satan, then the commission in Malachi 4 and Matthew 24
will have been accomplished.•..
We continue to pray daily for you all on the HQ team and thank God
that He has given us such fine examples••..
Lateef and Yvonne Edalere
P.S. 4th January 1984
We are now getting over the recent coup and are happy to report
that all the members are well and happy.
It is very gratifying to receive such letters from those international
students who have been able to attend Ambassador College in recent years.
We sincerely hope all are as inspired and encouraged by their study at
Ambassador as are Mr. and Mrs. Edalere.
While here at Pasadena, such students not only enroll in the classes, but
also attend clubs, Forums and Assemblies, dances and other socials and
really seem to enjoy themselves. Also, they get to hear Mr. Armstrong speak
at the Forums, Bible studies, Sabbath services, etc. This truly gives them
a "charge" which I believe they will never forget!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
"Price Chopper" Supermarket Distribution Takes Off!
A few weeks ago, we mentioned in the PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT that dis­
tribution of The PLAIN TRUTH newsstand magazine would begin shortly in over
60 Price·chopper supermarkets, located mostly in eastern New York State.
Considered to be one of the finest supermarket chains in the area, we ex­
pected to distribute between 500-600 copies per store per month. We are
pleased to report that it is running much higher--3, 000 per store per
month! In just the first five days in 48 stores in Albany, New York, over
15,000 magazines were taken.
Mr. Lyle Welty, pastor of the Albany, New York and Springfield, Massa­
chusetts Churches, has requested an additional 10,000 copies above his
regular allocation, and an additional 25,000 surplus back issues in order
to maintain this distribution level.
Although distribution will probably drop over a period of time, we are ex­
tremely pleased with this initial development. Mr. Welty has informed us
that all the Price Chopper store managers are very cooperative and helpful.
He also reports that the brethren are excited, enthusiastic and very busy!
--Ray Wri�ht, Publishing Services
New All-time Record for Phone Response
A new all-time record of 13,873 calls was received in response to the
telecast "Revelation: Catastrophic Event" which aired on January 21-22.