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November issue. In this age of society's pressures, of women's
lib and the downgrading of women's God-given role of homemaker,
these articles are truly a breath of fresh air, giving new life
and motivation to a job that can become stale, without much
attention and nurturing. This you have provided for us. I pray
all of us women can rise to the challenge and inspiration that
you have set forth.
M.C. (Seattle, WA)
Having just finished reading "Mothers and Homemakers--Biblical
Heroines!" I felt I must thank you for revealing the vital
importance of the role of wife and mother.
Today's world is filled with those who believe being in the home
is some form of cruel and unusual punishment to replace their
true destiny--career, etc.
You have most surely shown God's
viewpoint in creating the role a woman plays in the family--and
its critical need. May God inspire your female readers to see
themselves in a new light of understanding; but perhaps even more
importantly, may each man come to see what a precious treasure
the woman God has entrusted to His care really is. Masked in what
appears to be everyday routine and household chores lies a true
heroine indeed.
Having been recently divorced by my wife of 12 years, my three
children and I daily experience the crushing emptiness only a
wife and mother can fill. It is my hope Mr. Earle's article will
serve to help each family realize the great honor and respon­
sibility God places on a woman's shoulders.
O.D. (Pocola, OK)
Thank you for the article supporting mothers and homemakers.
It's so evident that there's a lack of true knowledge in this
area of family living.
The minds of women are being subtly
injected with the Satanic poison that to be a homemaker and a
mother is something to be ashamed of and that a career will
provide the action and fulfillment they long for. Instead, the
father, mother, and children are suffering the consequences of
the breakdown of the family unit.
I'm a single woman who has worked in the business world for a
number of years and I know personally how the human mind can be
unconsciously brainwashed when it's constantly bombarded with the
false values and pressures of society today. God's Holy Spirit
and the inspired teaching of His ministers have helped me tremen­
dously in seeing the right way to go. ·
L.S. (York, PA)
A big thank you to Mr. Earle for his GOOD NEWS article "Mothers
and Homemakers--Biblical Heroines!" My husband read it aloud to
our family and ended it with a big "three cheers for Mom!"
C.H. (Oroville, CA)
"Five Ways to Love Your Mate"
Your article in The GOOD NEWS saved our marriage. On a scale of
one to ten our marriage was a minus two. My husband said he was