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Donation Information for Income Tax Purposes
The end of the year is fast approaching and it will
soon be time to file your income tax returns. With
this in mind, the Mail Processing Center offers the
following information for your consideration.
• Mail containing donations must be postmarked by
December 31 to be eligible for a 1983 receipt.
• The annual receipts will be mailed out after
January 20 and should reach you by the end of
January or the first week in February.
• If a husband and wife give separate donations,
each will receive separate annual donation re­
ceipts. If a joint tax return is being filed,
they may at that time combine the total contri­
• Please understand that donations credited to a
child's record cannot legally be transferred to
the parents' annual receipt and should not be de­
ducted on the parents' tax returns.
• Canceled checks, money order receipts, and your
annual receipt from Headquarters should be re­
tained in your personal records. It is recom­
mended that you keep this information for a period
of five years to back up your tax returns.
If you have any questions concerning receipts, please
feel free to contact us by letter or by using the WATS
line during normal business hours (Monday through
Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time).
GOOD NEWS Articles Give Practical Help and Inspiration
An increasing number of members and co-workers are writing in, expressing
their sincere appreciation for the
The GOOD NEWS magazine is
providing. "It keeps getting better and better" is a frequent comment.
Recent articles on subjects such as the roles of wives and mothers,
marria-ge, the Sabbath, and God's loving concern for us, have brought
numerous letters of gratitude. Many readers are finding The GOOD NEWS to be
timely, encouraging, and readily applicable to their lives, as the follow­
ing comments show.
"Mothers and Homemakers--Biblical Heroines!"
Thank you, thank you, thank you, on behalf of all the women in
God's Church for the series of articles for us in the October-