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Under God's direction, the Church reached an eager and attentive
ear. My life took on new meaning, my marriage was salvaged, I
learned of the great human potential and repented of a life of
sin and selfishness.
The part you played as God's eager and
willing servant in turning my life around is only one small part
of the value of your efforts. I love you and stand behind God's
Church 100%.
H.L. (Menasha, WI)
In 1953 I was but a child of 10 years of age. I grew up in a
family with tremendous discord and strife, alcoholism, and a
great lack of outgoing concern for one another. I was in a world
without answers and lived with much confusion. My father never
spoke over a handful of words to me and died early in my life. I
barely knew him.
I write you a much belated letter of sincere thanks over 30 years
later at age 40, to say you, Mr. Armstrong, with God's Church,
were all that ever helped me make it through my youth. I spent
mar.y very lonely, crying and unattended days and nights as a
youth waiting for love and direction in my life from those around
me. It never came from them, but Mr. Armstrong, you were always
there. Your voice was what carried me through my entire youth.
Your voice was all that ever offered me anything that was sure,
secure and positive in my life.
Through you I had become quite different than all those around
me. There were so many pitfalls in life sitting before me that I
could have easily fallen into.
Thank you again and again more times than I can ever say or repay
for being there and for filling a young mind full of God's way of
life. Thank you for doing what no other man could ever have done
for me.
J.S. (Louisville, KY)
As far back as I can remember, I have been searching for the right
door that would open to bring me closer to God. I have belonged
to churches that did nothing for me. I always went away empty.
But I never gave up hope, knowing my faith would carry me
through. I stopped attending church, but never stopped praying.
And, lo and behold, my answer came. In October, 1982 I learned of
The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. After reading the first issue, I was
overwhelmed with what was taking place. After the turmoil of all
those years, I began to feel calm and happy. This was the answer
I had been waiting for.
Since then, I have been requesting all the reading material you
have to offer. I just completed the third lesson of the Bible
correspondence course. Now I truly know the meaning of hungering
and thirsting after righteousness and now I am being filled. I
believe wholeheartedly that God has called me to be a co-worker
and I accept this position most graciously. My prayers now are
that I will go all the way.
With God's help, I know I will
because I want to.
R.H. (Piscataway, NJ)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center