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40,000 letters have been answered.
Our PCD staff of writers has kept
abreast with this large amount of work through a specially-designed word
processing program in Data Processing's IBM 4341 main frame computer.
The computer continues to prove its tremendous value to the Church.
It is
now helping Personal Correspondence to serve the majority of those writing
in with greater efficiency and accuracy. The writers are able to compose
their letters using a keyboard and terminal screen connected to the com­
puter. Thus they are able to easily make additions or other modifications
as necessary. Also, information on commonly asked questions is stored in
the computer and can be accessed whenever needed.
Letters composed via computer are printed in a few seconds by using a laser
printer--many times faster than the most skilled typist. By entering the
recipient's subscription number, the correct address is automatically
printed on an envelope.
Lives Turned Around by the Truth of God
Many people, whose lives are being changed by the truth of God, write to
share their excitement about finding this new way of life. After years of
confusion, doubt and suffering, they are truly grateful to understand God's
truth. Many come to the point of repentance and want to surrender their
lives to God. Following are a few of the letters we have received from such
Almost a year ago my best friend started receiving your booklets.
She told me some of the things you said but I thought you were
crazy. I'm sorry I did. I felt I was close to God and thought I
knew the Bible. After some months, I finally requested some of
your booklets myself. I searched the Bible trying to prove you
wrong. I couldn't.
May I now say, I'm sorry for persecuting you. I came to realize
I'm the one who is wrong. And I thank God that He opened my eyes
to the truth. And I thank you for all the booklets you have sent
to me. They really helped show me the truth of God's Word.
I now understand what sin is and that I am a sinner breaking God's
law. I want to do God's will and keep His commandments. I see
for the first time how evil I and the rest of this so-called
Christian world is. How deceived I've been. I have prayed for
God's forgiveness. I really want to do His will. I would like
for you to send someone to talk with me.
I want to be able to
keep God's laws and be baptized.
D.H. (Chatsworth, GA)
Just a note to express my great appreciation to you for the per­
sonal sacrifice you have made in this great worldwide Work.
was a very confused individual four years ago.
I had nearly
destroyed myself with the pleasures of this world and came to the
point of utter despair. I had sunk about as low as one can in sin
and deprivation, almost losing my wife of fourteen years, and
losing my means of support and what little property I've acquired
over the years. Then God began to reveal Himself to me as my hope
and refuge.