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We were taught at the feet of Mr. Armstrong and many evangelists
--literally, as we sat on the front row! The smiling faces, the
attitude of service, everyone behind Mr. Armstrong as God's
Apostle, and all of you who taught us with much preparation be­
forehand, will long be a wonderful memory and part of our daily
prayers and conversation.
Stan and Jean Denzinger
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Joan and I don't want any more time to go by without expressing
our deep appreciation for the Ministerial Refreshing Program. We
realize much work, time and thought must have gone into each pre­
sentation. We thank Mr. Armstrong, you and all the men involved
for a job well done. We both learned so much. It's always good
to step back and see our jobs from a new perspective. It gives us
more zeal and enthusiasm to go forward and accomplish as much as
possible in the time we have left.
We were very impressed with
the prayerful attitude of service of the Headquarters team.
Thank you for your continued love and service to us in the field
ministry. We pray for you daily.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the Philippines
Jim and Joan Tuck
SAN FERNANDO--ROBERTO GOPEZ: We were again privileged to hear
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's taped message on his uncompromising
stand on things which are against the principle of God's law. It
reminded us to always view God's law in its spiritual intent in
order for us to continue to grow spiritually and be close to God.
Members are asking good Bible
questions in the Bible studies. The Church appears to be growing
in the area of fellowship with one another, especially before and
after services. Many stay long after services to fellowship.
There seems to be life and enthusiasm in this Church.
I held the follow-up Bible
study for those who attended the PLAIN TRUTH Bible Lecture. Out
of 150 that I had written, 36 showed up (24%) and displayed great
interest in the study.
I discussed the subject of "law and
grace." I announced to them that that will be the last time we
will invite them. If they are truly interested, they should now
take the initiative of asking for further instruction. After the
study, 26 of them asked that they be given more. They really seem
to be hungering for it!
One other interesting thing happened. I wrote the people to come
at 9:30 and many did. We asked the hotel personnel if we could
tune in their color TV in the lounge to "The WORLD TOMORROW" pro­
gram over Channel 7 at 9:30 which they gladly obliged. As a re­
sult, those who came to attend the Bible study heard Mr.
Armstrong preach a strong message before the study!