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I feel a greater depth of spiritual maturity is being added each
time we participate in the Refresher. We are looking forward to
the next Refresher already!
Randy Holm
Dear Mr. Tkach:
As a local elder employed here in Pasadena may I say a heartfelt
and sincere thank you for allowing us "locals" to be in on the
Refreshing Program.
I have read many fine and eloquent letters
over the past years in the PGR thanking you for the programs, so I
will not try to match such masters of the written word.
For Anthea and myself it was an inspiring educational program.
To call the program a refresher just does not do it justice! This
program confirmed again the spirit of unity and dedicated loyalty
to God's Work shown by you and the team.
The whole experience
will help my wife and me to be better servants to this Work and
our local congregation in Glendora.
Roger and Anthea Lippross
Mr. Tkach:
Dorothy and I want to express our deep gratitude to yourself and
to the whole staff at Headquarters. We have been able to tell the
Churches we serve about the unity and harmony we found--together
with the obvious warmth of welcome and the humility of all those
who sought to serve us. We both found this humility a humbling
experience. The Church members find it encouraging that we are
able to bring home only positive comments about the Headquarters
of God's great Work.
We have been encouraged to redouble our efforts to serve the
brethren and the Church. We came back from the twentieth session
of the Ministerial Refreshing Program truly spiritually re­
freshed, with plenty of material still to digest.
Our thanks, of course, extend to Mr. Armstrong for supporting,
encouraging, participating in and overseeing the Refreshing Pro­
gramme. The knowledge that all we heard has the backing of God's
Apostle gives a deep sense of security to us and to the Church who
hear from us.
Barney and Dorothy Dowson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you! As a local elder and his wife, we certainly did ap­
preciate the twentieth session of the Ministerial Refreshing
Program from beginning to end. Staying on campus was an exciting
first for us, and the accommodations and food were excellent. We
could not have attended the program if we had not been provided
free room and board.
The classes and beauty of the campus were indeed refreshing. We
had prayed that God would 1) teach us and give us understanding,
2) correct us in love, and 3) inspire us so that we could come
home to our local area and help the brethren even more. He an­
swered our prayers and the two weeks there were indeed abundant.